Bedtime bottle & tooth brushing


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Now Poppy finally has a tooth, I'm already obsessed with brushing it and keeping it clean! (I was a dental nurse and saw FAR too many tiny children with tooth decay). The problem is, we give her a feed right before bed, and 9 times out of 10 she falls asleep whilst we're giving it to her. Obviously I then want to brush her little tooth! Do you think I should start giving her a bedtime feed a little earlier in the evening, say half an hour earlier than normal in the hope she won't fall asleep and I can brush her tooth without waking her? How does everyone else do it?
I've been wondering this too as Angel is quite drowsy after her last feed. She's got two teeth now and I'm trying to do it twice a day, I usually do it after her first bottle at about 7.30-8am and after her last but sometimes I've forgotten; I know that terrible just trying to get into the habit. I guess you could try a bit of toothpaste on your little finger and ease it onto the area? x
I would say feed her a bit earlier and brush after xx
My dentist always said it doesn't matter what time you brush as long as you do. He said really morning and evening are prob the most inconvient times for a lot of folks. Does she have a bath every night, you could do it then. Xxx
When zachary first got his teeth I brushed them before his bedtime bottle, and when he got a bit older I brushed them after, as he would stay up for a bit after his bedtime bottle and not fall asleep during it xxx

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