Recent content by Lyndsey

  1. L

    What Milk Do You Use...

    Aptamil and Cow and Gate are made in the same factory and have the same ingredients, one is marketed at middle class....... :? funny how they make you think its better than the other one....... :(
  2. L

    when did your baby stop wanting boobmilk ..

    Logan feeds only in the morning now, but I think its more comfort, he will ask for boobie if he is not well too.
  3. L

    Carrier help

    For a newborn baby I would strongly reccomend using a stretchy wrap instead of one of those carriers... no worries with them not fittng you as they are 5m of fabric... baby is positioned in nice and close too.... Karime or Moby are good brands.... Or other types of good carriers are...
  4. L

    ooh its so satisfying!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: great isn't it
  5. L

    BF and co sleeping

    I love feeding lying down in fact - doing it this way has saved my sanity in more than one way get yourself comfortable on your side, arm closets to the bed fully extended then bring the baby to the breast, If you do it any other way you tend to get a bad back!!!! I often bring Logan...
  6. L

    weaning off breastmilk..longterm breastfeeding.

    I weaned logan at 6 months and he was really good at eating but still wants milk at bed time and again first thing. I tried him with cows milk and he doesn't like it... goats milk the same..... so now we do a BF first thing in the morning and again last thing at night and he is 13 months...
  7. L

    What's your BF goal?

    I always said that I would attempt to BF Then I said 4 weeks - the 3 months then 6 months and oh lordy lourdy I am now at 13 months and still feeding! Its so easy now I have no plans to stop but if I hadn't have had the support in the early weeks then I would have stopped, get...
  8. L

    Can I take Solpadeine when pregnant?

    Obviously any drugs you take when TTC will affect the baby but I have been on long term co-codamol ( solpadol) and I managed to get pregnant and carry to term..... if you can find alternatives ( aromatherapy/ acupuncture etc) then go for it but it never stopped me from concieving!! :wink:
  9. L

    what if you dont return to work??????

    My company only gave me the bare minimum which was the SMP so I owed them nothing! check what you have recieved and what you owe....
  10. L

    Holidays accrued while on maternity leave

    When I returned to work I got the full years A/L I hope you get the same xx
  11. L

    So proud

    I am sorry to post this but I just have to! I have been feeding Logan now for 13 months! I am still breastfeeding and loving it! People are now getting on at me to stop as I have " been feeding long enough!" but I have no plans to stop just yet! It took me long enough to get started and it...
  12. L

    Helping a friend advice needed

    hello everyone I am helping a friend to TTC no physically of course!!! :wink: I read about a cough medicine on here... but can't remember what it was... I have given advice on mucus and time of the month but don't know what else to suggest. I got pregnant after 11 months of trying...
  13. L

    Reusable Nappies info

    I don't think it makes any difference as long as some of it goes in! Plus I put some on a cotton ball in the nappy bucket
  14. L

    Reusable Nappies info

    Doh didn't read my previous post!!!!!! You must think I am looney! Do you have a nappy bucket and everything? Are you planning on dry or wet pailing? I prefer dry pailing. I use a mesh laundry bag hooked over the bucket and then when I need to wash the nappies I chuck the whole lot in...
  15. L

    Reusable Nappies info

    I think it was about 4/5 days..... but then you get newborn poo which is really runny and like Korma! make sure you have plenty of liners either fleece or paper ( I prefer fleece as its softer on baby botties! lol) :)