Recent content by Toni_Win

  1. Toni_Win

    Formula feeding help

    Hi Everyone, We started out BF and managed well for 3 weeks, but then I got infective mastitis and a breast absess and ended up in hospital for nearly a week. During that time my milk supply stopped, even though I was trying to keep it going with a breast pump. So we've now switched to...
  2. Toni_Win

    Formula feeding help

    Hi Everyone, We started out BF and managed well for 3 weeks, but then I got infective mastitis and a breast absess and ended up in hospital for nearly a week. During that time my milk supply stopped, even though I was trying to keep it going with a breast pump. So we've now switched to...
  3. Toni_Win

    Benjamin Winder born 26th December 2011

    Originally posted this in BFP announcements by mistake - new borns are very tiring! Well, Ben and his daddy are both asleep so I've finally got 5 minutes to get back on PF, catch up with everyone and write Ben's birth story. As some of you know we did hypnobirthing classes a few months...
  4. Toni_Win

    Benjamin Winder born 26th December 2011

    Sorry posted this birth story in the wrong place - sleep deprived!
  5. Toni_Win

    MrsNumsNums labour watch**

    Good luck x
  6. Toni_Win

    Medela swing

    We've been lucky enough to buy one from a friend 2nd hand. Haven't used it yet obviously as we need to wait a couple of months before we can use bottles to make sure he doesn't get confused, but everyone says this is the most comfortable and effective.
  7. Toni_Win

    I don't know if I can do it

    Since coming home I've felt like this a couple of times, but it's all just hormones. My oh is amazing at looking after us both, now we've been home a few days and the midwife has been to check on us and told us we're doing everything right I feel brilliant. So if you are ever unsure don't forget...
  8. Toni_Win

    We r going home

    Congratulations MrsMc, just catching up on forum news as haven't had much chance to get on forum since coming home. Orlando is gorgeous. Good luck with everything at home, being a little family unit is wonderful x
  9. Toni_Win

    Fully formed bubba today!

    Congratulations on full term today! Baby will be here before you know it!
  10. Toni_Win

    Aww how cute

    Wait while you see him with Orlando for the first time. Seeing Stuart with Ben yesterday was amazing, especially when he managed to calm him down and get him to sleep!
  11. Toni_Win

    toni labour watch...quick or you'll miss it!... baby here.

    Thanks everyone. Ben was 8lb 12oz so my tear is really bad, had to go to theatre. Eventually got out at about 11 last night. Spent night in hospital, so no sleep really thanks to other peoples babies. Ben is behaving himself wonderfully and slept most of the night, just up for a couple of feeds...
  12. Toni_Win

    Think my waters are going!

    Well about half an hour ago I came up to go to bed, went to the loo fine, but then as putting pjs on a little more fluid leaked out . Now sat on loo with small trickle coming out quite regularly. No contractions yet, so going to try and get some sleep while I can. Will update if anything...
  13. Toni_Win

    I love my husband - aka - Hunter Wellies

    We've had a nightmare with things ordered off the internet and getting them delivered. I had 3 parcels, 2 things I ordered online and 1 a present from a relative. They tried to deliver them a couple of times while I was at work, so I rescheduled them all to be delivered yesterday while at...
  14. Toni_Win

    Officially on maternity leave

    I started my maternity leave yesterday, it's great to be at home and not have to fight to get on a train to get to the office. I had planned on doing loads of housework, especially tidying up our bedroom so that there is room for the moses basket, but not really getting to it yet. I've managed...
  15. Toni_Win

    I love my husband - aka - Hunter Wellies

    My DH will have a nightmare. He hates shopping, and now not only does he have my Christmas pressie to buy, but also it's my birthday on Jan 3rd and due date on the 4th. I've already sorted the christmas present, a Kindle - nice and easy to use while breast feeding. I've told him to get me...