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  • Users: Chrissy1
  • Content: Threads
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  1. C

    Titling a link?????

    As you can see I've added the link to my homebirth story in my sig and then just put the title after it but I've noticed that a few others have got their link set up so it's just the title e.g. My homebirth story. Can anyone tell me how to do this please??? I'm a stickler for having things...
  2. C

    When will she know her name????

    Everytime I try to call her by her name Poppy she just thinks I'm making funny noises and laughs at me!!! If she's looking away she won't look at me when I say her name but if I'm looking at her saying it she just thinks it's hilarious :? I know she's only 4 months but at what age will she...
  3. C

    I'm back........

    :wave: :wave: Don't think there's many people left from when I was here before but I'm back TTC number 2 so thought I'd pop and say hello. I'm going to be charting again so I've just said hello to you all in stalkers :wave: and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that TTC isn't going to take as...
  4. C


    I want to take my little girl swimming. Even though she's only 3 months I know she'll love it. She was born in water at home and she loves being in the bath and I want to get her in there as soon as possible. I've bought her a little costume and the swim nappies and now I'm stuck on what...
  5. C

    I did it..... I got her to take a bottle again, yay me!

    After my post a couple of weeks about saying that my princess was now 12 weeks old and had started ti toally refuse a bottle of expressed milk despite taking it from day one, I decided at the weekend that I was going to have another go at it and guess what.......... I won.... :dance: :dance...
  6. C

    refusing a bottle...please help!!

    Poppy is almost 12 weeks old now and since day one my husband has given her at least one bottle a day of expressed milk with no problem at all. Over the past week or so she's started to get a bit fussy over taking it and only took it after playing with the teat for about 30 seconds or so. The...
  7. C

    Getting pregnant with number 2???

    How long after baby number one should you wait until you get pregnant again?? Poppy is only 8 weeks old and we want to start trying again for another :? but I'm just worried there might be some reason why you sould wait a while. We had a relatively easy pregnacy (only had SPD and carpal...
  8. C

    Wind....advice needed

    Do any of you have any advice on how to get wind up???? I'm going mental, Poppy just will not bring wind up!!!! It's not just how I'm doing it either, her dad, both her grandmothers and her great grandmother have tried too and she just doesn't bring wind up. It's only a problem later on the...
  9. C

    good boobie & bad boobie???? what's going on?

    Ok, I have a bit of a bizarre problem so please don't laugh and point at me and call me a freak!! I seem to have one boobie that is better and more productive than the other :oops: :oops: When I express my right boobie always seems to produce loads more milk and at twice the speed of my...
  10. C

    Poppy May - born 18/10/08 eventually!!!! **Homebirth**

    I've finally managed to get enough time to be able to write my birth story for you all........I hope you're sitting confortably!! Wednesday 15th October Well the day started pretty much like any other Wednesday, got up, had breakfast. When I went to the loo at 10am to do my wee sample to take...
  11. C

    Thank you all.......and introducing Poppy May

    :wave: :wave: Hi ladies Just wanted to send you all a message to say thank you very much for your surpportive messages that you posted during what felt like a mammoth labour!!! technically it was a 48 hour latent phase followed by a 11 hour proper labour :wall: to say I was shattered by...
  12. C

    I'm in such a bad mood today!!

    Don't know exactly why....................although not having a full nights sleep for the past two months is probably helping.............but I'm in such a bad mood today I see DH for an hour in the morning before he goes to work and he's been in the house for 5 minutes before he's taken the...
  13. C

    MW just been round my house

    I had my 38 week MW appointment booked for 1:45 this afternoon and at 12 I decided to have a shower and get myself ready. I literally JUST stepped out of the shower when the phone rang and I JUST managed to get a towel wrapped around me and get to the phone in time to find it was my MW on the...
  14. C

    Growth scan.....the results are in!!

    sorry I haven't been able to get on over the weekend to let you all know how the growth scan went on Friday but I seem to have had a manic weekend! Anyway.......the ANC was completely empty when we got there (20 minutes early!! :? ) and we were called straight in :cheer: :cheer: The...
  15. C

    I've got a growth scan later today

    Because I've been measuring two weeks ahead on my chart since 24 weeks the MW has decided it's finally time to check me out (I'm now getting on for 38 weeks!) and get a growth scan to see exactly how big my baby is :wall: :wall: It's booked for 1:30 this afternoon and I'm a bit nervous...
  16. C

    Happy full term to.....meeeeee

    ...on my own so that I can still have my homebirth :pray: :pray: So come on ladies.....any advice on how to get this baby out??? p.s. happy full term today to Solo and Noor~ul~usman too. And to Berti87 and ~*Leanne*~ who'll be joining us in the next couple of days :hug: :hug: :hug...
  17. C

    My birth pool just arrived......eeeeek!!!

    I ordered my birth pool on Sunday and it's just turned up today and it's made me realise that i might be using it as early as next week :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I can't believe that at sometime over the next 6 weeks I've got to push a human being out of my foof.....OMG. I knew I...
  18. C


    I'm on the last baby on my ticker!! I never thought it would come around this's mad. Has someone speeded up time and forgot to tell me about it??? can't believe I'll be meeting my baby in a months time :shock: :shock:
  19. C

    34 week MW appointment.........grrrrr

    My MW appointments are frustrating me more and more the further I am into my pregnancy. She is ALWAYS running at least 20 minutes behind so by the time I eventually get in there I feel like I'm just rushed through my appointment like a whirlwind and barely have time to think of all the things I...
  20. C

    Carpel tunnel syndrome????

    do any of you lovely ladies have ANY advice on how I can ease carpel tunnel syndrome???? :pray: :pray: It's fooking doing my head in!! Every night I can't sleep and not because baby is making it uncomfortable but because my hand is either completely and utterly numb or because the inside...