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  1. littlesmoosh


    thankyou!! will keep you all updated :) xx
  2. littlesmoosh


    heres hoping kanga!!! hope you get your induction tomoro! good luck :):) xx
  3. littlesmoosh

    what do you think??

    got my sweep guys!!! and booked in for induction on 13th just incase :) xx
  4. littlesmoosh


    just had my sweep done! my cervix is very low and thin and 1cm dilated and babys head was moving against the midwifes fingers! hopefully he will realise theres an exit and come soon! if not, ive been booked in for induction on (friday) the 13th! and he should be here by the 14th! but all signs...
  5. littlesmoosh

    Why am I feeling like this????

    yeah that was me all over last week!!! then started to feel really down afterwards as felt terrible for feeling that way! it'll pass! it doesnt feel like it will, but it will xx
  6. littlesmoosh

    what do you think??

    thanks kanga!! really hope it happens soon for you!! you never know, it might even all start in half an hour!!! il be checking in to see how you get on :D xxx
  7. littlesmoosh

    what do you think??

    hey guys! im 40+3 today, think im starting to lose my plug! but i know it could still go on for a while yet! tomoro i have a midwife appointment. she said she wouldnt do a sweep til im 41 weeks. i will only be 40+4 tomoro. but i wont see her again for another week, by which time il be 41+4 (11...
  8. littlesmoosh

    feeling guilty :(

    thanks girls, just really needed some reassurance that i havent turned into a complete monster!! im sure tomoro will be a new day and i will feel more positive xx
  9. littlesmoosh

    feeling guilty :(

    im having such a bad day. tomoro is my due date and throughout my entire pregnancy i have been over the moon with the fact that im going to be a mum, but today i just feel so down. im uncomfy and scared and tired and had a few arguments with my otherhalf cause we're both feeling the pressure. he...
  10. littlesmoosh

    whens it my turn

    i havent had any plug :(:( but been having period pains. regular braxton hicks. back pain. and poo attacks for WEEKS! and nothing! yeah been trying walks and bouncing on ball, eatn pineapple, curry and having sex! and still nadda :( xx
  11. littlesmoosh

    whens it my turn

    you dont want the twinges.. they are a tease!!!! im 39+2 and having all sorts of twinges for the last few weeks and STILL NO BABY!!! seriously think im going insane!!!! xxx
  12. littlesmoosh

    Tomorrow 1 week overdue

    mine has said that 41 weeks she will consider doing a sweep. dont let her let you go over 12 days. apparently the placenta stops functioning and actually it can be more of a risk for your baby not to come. just stand your ground. xx
  13. littlesmoosh

    Tomorrow 1 week overdue

    im 39+2 and already feeling like this! so can only imagine how hard it is for you right now!! really hope you go into labour naturally too! im so scared incase i needa get induced in the end cause then i wont get to have the birth i want! hope things start soon for you xx
  14. littlesmoosh

    has anybody else invited mr christian grey into thier lives?

    yeah id be gutted if they make a film and the actor isnt what i have in mind!!!
  15. littlesmoosh

    Braxton Hicks

    i started getting mine around 30 weeks but they werent at all regular, maybe just twice in a week. im 39 weeks now and have been getting them very regularly for about 3 weeks now xxx
  16. littlesmoosh

    woke up with pains..

    like the title says, woke up today with some pains in my tummy. kinda like a wee pulse but painful on my right hand side. im 39 weeks today, been having all sorts of twinges but no actual contractions yet. this is normal right?? it went away after a wee while and baby is still moving around fine...
  17. littlesmoosh

    Any1 superstitious

    our pram is at ours, i dont have that superstition. but anytime a bad thought pops into my head (like something going wrong in labour) then i have to tap my head twice... very annoying when you cant sleep at night and your mind runs away with terrible thoughts and you have to just lie in bed tap...
  18. littlesmoosh

    has anybody else invited mr christian grey into thier lives?

    i read them all in april after hearing that they were written by a 'twilight' fan (judge all you like... i cant get enough of twilight haahaa)! read all 3 of them within a week! and just couldnt get enough of christian grey ceo ;) feel sorry for all our poor other halfs haha xx
  19. littlesmoosh

    Baby names

    we were the same with a girls name. were actually delighted when we found out it was a boy purely because we knew what we'd call him haha xx
  20. littlesmoosh

    Midwife this morning.

    my midwife said i need to be at least 41 weeks.. dont think she believes me that i have been having regular tightenings and period pains lol xx