Tomorrow 1 week overdue


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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And I just want everything to start now. I can't stand the waiting no more. I'm desperate and keep trying every old wives tales. Pointless and frustrated thread I know but just feel so down I just wanna meet my little boy and have a cuddle and go into labour naturally. Xxxx
im 39+2 and already feeling like this! so can only imagine how hard it is for you right now!! really hope you go into labour naturally too! im so scared incase i needa get induced in the end cause then i wont get to have the birth i want! hope things start soon for you xx
I'm only one day late so far, and getting so fed up already! Think we are the only regular PF June mummies left! Have u got a sweep booked in soon? My mw is gonna do one on Friday when I'm 40+4 if she can, although normally it would be 41 weeks but I won't see her again until 41+4 so she is going to do it early xx
No my midwife is so lazy just said that she wouldn't do it till after I'm a week late and possibly as late ad 12 days over because of the risk of making baby come when it isn't ready. I don't know how true it is but a friend of mine in same area is looking at a sweep at 40 weeks so now I'm just frustrated, upset and impatient xxx
mine has said that 41 weeks she will consider doing a sweep. dont let her let you go over 12 days. apparently the placenta stops functioning and actually it can be more of a risk for your baby not to come. just stand your ground. xx
If you baby isn't really engaged enough they won't always do. A sweep cos it would be pointless.

If your cervix is high up still they wouldn't reach it and they can be quite uncomfortable. Plus the fact they say sweeps may only work if baby is ready to come

I went 2 weeks over and my best advice to forget about due dates and counting days over just really enjoy the last few days you'll have with your OH's.

I got given that advice by my midwife and that's what we did. Went out for a couple of meals. Made sure we did lots of talking. Finished all the crappy bits of housework so that we properly felt ready cos I know everyone says it but life really will never be the same!!

I also told myself that I would be induced (I had the date booked in) so I didn't focus on due date I focussed on inducing date with the thought in my head that baby may come before but of not he would be here by so and so date

Enjoy the last few days of being pregnant and don't stress about it xx
Sorry to hear you are overdue, I hope lo makes an appearance for you soon x
I just don't wanna do anything. Except go into labour. I'm so scared of being induced as everyone I've spoken to says it hurts more. I'm proper petrified now xxx
Fingers crossed LO makes an appearance hun. It's ridiculous they won't give u a sweep til ur 12 days over xxx
I just don't wanna do anything. Except go into labour. I'm so scared of being induced as everyone I've spoken to says it hurts more. I'm proper petrified now xxx

I was induced and it was fine.

If this is your first then in reality you'll have no idea if it hurts and more or less then not being induced

And that's what pain relief is for!!
Belle if you want to pm me about it you're welcome to xx

Don't be scared whatever happens you get to me baby very soon
I think regardless of being induced its gonna hurt! My sister had a very positive induction. Gel at 4-5pm, then again at 10-11pm. Contractions started 2-3am, baby born at 9:54am. She said the contractions were intense from the start, so I guess u skip the milder contractions at the start with induction. Maybe that's why people say it hurts more, just because it is started quicker.

I don't want to be induced, but that just because I don't want to be pregnant still by the 7th July!! Lol although I can see it happening and me having the baby on my brothers birthday, the 8th July! Xx
So midwife tomorrow she willlllll be sweeping me lol. The I'm going for a walk in any attempt to get little man to want to come. Xxx
Hope you get sweep tomorrow hun. I agree with beckyboo, enjoy your last few days and I think I would have rather have been induced, I had a very long and drawn out labour, inductions seem to be more intense but a lot quicker :) x x

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