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    Anyone wanna hazard a guess....

    HA! great pic! My LO does this so often that sometimes its painful! My little one changes positions from left to right, depending on how i am laid. Sat up straight she is always to the left now x
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    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    35+1 weeks! Def feel my bump is bigger this week! also maybe a bit lower
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    Grrrr,annoying family!

    Gotta try and ignore their comments i guess, I'm sick of hearing the same thing! I had a women ive know along time who i havent seen for a while shout at the top of my voice in the middle of town " Ow Fatty!!!!!!!" I wouldnt have minded but she is still fatter than me and i'm pregnant lol...
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    Anyone else feel like they need to poo??

    Should i be feeling more pressure this early lol, i see my MW on 20th July anyways so ill ask her xx
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    Little tips.

    What a lovely thread! Great advice xx
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    Last week at work....

    And you :) xx
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    Chloe Anne Elizabeth Hurst <3

    Well done! She cleary wanted to come out lol! How small!!! xx
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    Anyone else feel like they need to poo??

    LOL i know what you mean! I think the last few weeks have been the hardest and i still have 5 weeks to go lol! x
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    Anyone else feel like they need to poo??

    I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!!!!! I was only telling my OH at the weekend that there seems to be so much pressure on my *bum hole* sorry TMI. Plus when i stand too long my bladder gets sharpe pains!! Who knows if its because of how low bubs is! but at the midwife last week i know she was headdown but...
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    Last week at work....

    Pointless thread really BUT i am so relieved that it's my last week at work this week! I am so tired lately because of not sleeping properly at night, granted i have a lovely list of stuff to do once on maternity but at least i can do it when i am ready and not rush around... I am actually...
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    blood pressure

    Checked my blood pressure yesturday and was at 106/66 so lowest its been lol! x
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    Head down

    Cadie was head down at 20 week scan. She moved about so much tho but since 31 week shes been headdown sticking out her ass which is the weirdest sensation and pretty damn uncomfortable lol xx
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    Going Overdue

    I guess our baby will come when they feel ready to come... I keep getting told she will come early but i dont believe it my luck she be lazy like her daddy! x
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    Growth scan at 36+4!!

    Funny you should mention this! I'm a first time mummy so as you can imagine all new to me! But i went to mw on wed 5/5th she could feel but today i've got so much pressure down below where her head is and i think she keeps popping in and out. its a very strange feeling which is difficult to...
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    who ate all the pies?

    I've put on about 2 stone with 5 1/2 weeks to go! x
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    hes here! and early too! :-)

    Congrats! x
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    Baby Harry Michael Here

    Congrats on your little Boy! He looks to habe long fingers lol Beauitful! xx
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    Envious of all you ladies lol! I hope my next 5 1/2 week fly! Good Luck with your sweep and Kanga FX you get your induction! x
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    Possible induction tomorrow!!UPDATE might not need inducing!

    Whoop! FX crossed that you are fitted in! You wiill be fine and i am sure that the thought of meeting little Roo at the end is enough to help you get though it! x
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    blood pressure

    I was red hot! I even said when i walked in i was so warm:( its awful is this humidity! I am gonna get my OH mum to check it on sunday as she is a district nurse, if its the same ill leave it but if its higher gonna make an appointment at the GP's for next week :) A little worried because my...