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  1. K

    Pictures of Chloe

    Thought it was about time I sorted some pictures of Chloe and put them on here
  2. K

    Hitting her head

    Chloe was always a fantastic sleeper until she found she could move in her sleeping bag. She now turns herself round so her feet are were her head should be then tries to roll over. The last two nights she had hit her head really hard on the side of her cot, it must hurt she really cries. Is...
  3. K

    Bread in a tin - Help

    Help, I didn't sleep last night for thinking about this. When I was little you used to be able to get a tin that twisted to open and left you with some dough. You twisted the dough into strips and put them in the oven and got lovely breadsticks. Can anyone help me remember what these were called...
  4. K

    Please help - Baby carrier for older baby

    I was wondering if there is a baby carrier that can be used for Chloe when she is a little older. She loves to be in her carrier, at the moment we have a Tomy carrier as she loves to be facing forward but she is getting a little big for it now. Will I have to stop carrying her or is there one...
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    Toys R Us closed

    I bought a BT150 monitor from Toys R Us before Chloe was born and have now been using it for a couple of months and been very happy with it. Last night it started bleeping at me as it had lost connection with the parent hand set, this happened several times then the unit in Chloes room stopped...
  6. K

    Please help - Calpol and cough medicine

    Please help, how long can I give Chloe Calpol and cough medicine. It has now been a week and feel I should stop giving her these now but her cough is no better. She is now coughing so much she is bringing up all her milk in an evening. The doctor said her chest is clear but do you think I should...
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    When can Chloe have a shower

    At the moment Chloe is bathed every day as part of her bedtime routine but I was wondering when I would be able to take her into the shower?
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    Help with a cough and cold

    Please help Chloe has been up all night with a really bad cold and cough, I have given her calpol during the night but don't want to give her too much. What can I do to make things easier for her, she is now on the seatee and seems to be burning up to touch. I am also stuggling to get any milk...
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    Help with hairy ears

    Please help I am not sure what to do. When Chloe was born she had quite dark hair on the sides of her ears, everyone said this was normal as she was two weeks early. She is now four months old and the hair is showing no signs of droping off. Do you think I need to take her to see the doctor?
  10. K

    Dribble rash

    Please help, Chloe has been drippling quite a lot over the past couple of days, think she may be teething. She has developed a terrible rash on her chin and upper lip. Is there anything I can put on for her as it now looks very red and angry. Thanks.
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    Holiday to Turkey with three month old

    OH has booked a holiday to Turkey for us in three weeks time, just wondering if you can give any advice on what I need to take or things I can do to make this an enjoyable experience. Thanks.
  12. K

    Constent crying

    I'm sorry, I feel I am always moaning today. I just feel that every time Chloe is awake she is crying and there is nothing I can do to soothe her. She is currently on Colief in her milk. I have a holiday booked for three weeks time that involves spending four hours on a plane and I am now...
  13. K

    Bedtime for two month old

    Please help, what time should I be putting Chloe to bed in an evening. OH seems to think she should be going up at 7.00 where I have been letting her sleep downstairs and taking her up when we go to bed. She gets plenty sleep during the day in a moses basket in the living room.
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    Sleeping patterns

    Chloe is still sleeping for around twenty hours a day, only waking to be fed. Have you any ideas of how I can keep her awake any longer? MIL keeps asking if it is normal for her to sleep so much. I have tried to keep her entertained but she just falls asleep.
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    Just to test my new ticker with Chloes birth on
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    Gripe water

    Chloe is two weeks old and appears to be suffering from trapped wind. I am thinking of starting her on gripe water but am unsure if she is a little too young for this. Is there an age restriction before she can be started on this? Also when and how do you recommend I give this to her? I am...
  17. K

    Wind - Advice required

    Chloe is two weeks old today and for the last two days has been suffering from really bad wind which she struggles to get rid of. This seems to be worse in the evening and during the night. She lies in her moses basket and brings her legs up to her chest and appears to be in pain. I am currently...
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    Leaking - Poss TMI

    Please could anyone offer any advice, since this morning I have been feeling wet down below. Not much leakage but enough to feel uncomfortable. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow morning, do you think I can wait till then to mention this to her? What could this be? Thanks
  19. K

    36 week scan

    Hi all, i was sent for an additional scan last week as I am measuring a little bigger than I should be. Little girl was currently weighing in at 7 and a half pounds, what size baby can i be expecting if I go to full term. The consultant has said they will only allow me to go one week over. Thanks.
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    Big baby

    Hi, sorry this is duplication of my post in the last trimester section but I am now starting to worry a little more and do not have another appointment for two weeks. I went to see a new midwife yesterday who mentioned that I am currently measuring to have a ten pound baby. She made no mention...