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  • Users: nikkie88
  • Content: Threads
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  1. nikkie88

    What a difference a week makes (Premature 12Week Growth Spurt) with pics

    I'm so shocked at the difference i feel i must share the comparison pics for people to believe me. the first pic is 11 weeks exactly, the 2nd pic is 11 weeks and 5 days!! I've created a monster! (I must add he was born 9lb 8)... But he's doubles his birth weight, which they aren't meant ao...
  2. nikkie88

    Anyone else have LO in their own room?

    Just wondering if anyone else has their LO in their own room? I don't have a monitor but the doors are open and the walls are thin i hear when he wakes. I had K-man in his moses basket in my room till 11 weeks, but since he's been in his own room in the cot he sleeps a lot better, i think i...
  3. nikkie88

    The Birth of Samuel Keyaan Anthony! *Updated Pic*

    Baby Keyaan was born at 13:14pm on Wednesday 28th March. Weight: 9lb 8oz. Length: 55cm Here are the events which caused this... (try keeping it to bullet points to prevent boredom!!) SORRY if it's still too long! Monday 26th March 4:15pm: Go for sweep. Midwife says she can't do sweep...
  4. nikkie88

    One Baby for Mothers Day Please!

    My Plea to the Universe! Dear Universe, 18th March is my due date, and i would love to be in the 5% of women who actually have baby on their DUE DATE please! As unlikely as it is, i'm really fed up now, want to meet them! BOY OR GIRL!!?????? I can't bear this waiting or knocking into any...
  5. nikkie88

    My Positive Twist on Stretchmarks!

    possibly the most pointless thread to have been created but I felt the need to share my view. I was probably in the top 3 of people to worry about stretch marks & a commited user of bio-oil and cocoa butter I managed to avoid any, until week 37. Now they have arrived I'm not half as gutted...
  6. nikkie88

    1 week to go..

    Exactly 1 week today till my DD... MOTHERS DAY 18th March... I really want to try as much as i can to have Belly Bean before then so i can officially be a mum on this years mothers day. No pains and feeling pretty healthy though so not too hopeful, although people keep telling me "it could...
  7. nikkie88

    Bubbles & Wind! (TMI) 38 wks

    Hey ladies, I'm 38 weeks tomorrow (Sunday).. And i've started getting really bad trapped wind feeling, bubbling sensations in my stomach, wind and heartburn. (or acid reflux, possibly both!) Just wondered if this was a sign anyone else had and why i might be getting it, Rennies and Windese...
  8. nikkie88

    37 & More Active Than Ever

    Just as title says really. belly bean is moving and wiggling and shuffling along more than ever, when i've been told it should be cramped up and unable to move due to lack of room. Does anyone else have this or is my labour backwards?!! lol. Is it a sign of baby moving down to engaged...
  9. nikkie88

    Full Term Today!

    37 Weeks Today!! Yaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roll On 18th March (or sooner i don't mind ;)) hehe Added info: Picture Posted on Bumpy Pics but thought my 37 week photo should be in this post too. (Also 34 week pic to compare Coz there is a scary difference in 3 weeks!)
  10. nikkie88


    Just wondered if anybody else gets freaked out with babies hiccups, it's ok for a few seconds but when it goes on for a good ten minutes and can't be gotten rid of, i get a bit worried because it feels like baby is in discomfort like it's fitting. & I jus imagine it gulping on it's own...
  11. nikkie88

    No Idea!

    I've become rather drained with the amount of people asking about names. Am i the only one who doesn't have one and has decided to name it once it arrives? I've swung back and forth on a handful of names but keep changing my mind & come to the conclusion i should shee what it looks like...
  12. nikkie88

    Anaemia & Blood Infusion

    Hey people, Some of you may know already that my Iron Levels (& a b12 deficiency) have been really low throughout pregnancy (and midwives only decided to do something before chrimbo).. I've been taking Ferous Fumerate (iron tablets) 3 times daily since then to boost it. It's been a slow...
  13. nikkie88

    One Born Every Minute

    I don't know if its the day i've had or because i'm tired, but i'm gettin angry about OBEM filming what seems to be teenage mum's who have no Concept of how lucky they are to be having a baby, and their attitude stinks. the 17 y/o (council estate trash who belongs on Jeremy Kyle) on it...
  14. nikkie88

    Hospital Bag Advice...?

    :wall2: I had a call into the hospital for my iron levels the other day, and semi-packed myself a hospital bag, with -pjs -slippers -dressing gown -soap bag (toothpaste, brush, shampoo, makeup etc) -change of undies ---But i can't conjure up enough energy to think of the other things i need...
  15. nikkie88

    Single figures!!!! :)

    No need to reply. Just so Excited I've actually made it, it's come so fast!!! Only 9 Single weeks to go!!!!! Time to start Waterproofing my matress and packing the hospital bag soon!! :D
  16. nikkie88

    4D Scan!! SO HAPPY!!

    Had a 4d scan today, best experience ever...... would recomment it to anyone!!! Can't wait to meet belly bean now! Think the poor thing has a black eye though, but i had 2 dark circles when i was born too so hopefully harmless!
  17. nikkie88

    Pins & Needles

    Does anyone else get pins and needles in their legs if sitting down to long? my right thigh also has a constant numbing sensation... wonder if its normal?
  18. nikkie88

    Clothes & Baby Gear

    I had a bit of a shopping spree today for LO, being team yellow it's a challenge, and have bought beiges and whites, and "whinnie the pooh" unisex colours. I don't have too many things, just wondered HOW much people have got .. and if anyone else has an annoying friend who have 90 vests 30...
  19. nikkie88

    testing testing 1,2,3 (TMI)

    For some reason i just decided to see if i was producing milk, and there it was!! I'm a source of food!! :) It's sounds sick but im excited!!! lol One boob is easier than the other to extract from though, i duno if this matters... But yay for being the milk machine!!!
  20. nikkie88

    Blubbering Mess! FED UP!

    I've kept my positive wall up for so long, and was doing rly weel, focusing on everything good. Work xmas do last night just ruined everything and sent me on a meltdown. I've been crying since 3am when i got in to bed. Father of the baby was there, and we get on and are trying to work out a...