1 week overdue and so miserable......


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Hi ladies. I really need to get some things off my chest....hope you don't mind. As of today I'm a week overdue. Baby was SO active a few weeks back and we were so sure she'd be born early that I got myself all geared up for it and these past few weeks have been dragging by so slowly. I've got awful backache (sciatic nerve), constant indigestion, swollen feet and ankles, and my hips are aching something awful. I just feel shattered all the time and it's really getting me down. I have a three year old daughter and I'm trying to keep it all together for her sake, but when I feel like this, it's so hard. To top it all off my husband has just found out he has pleurisy.

I haven't had one midwife appointment where she wasn't on a cell phone to another patient (they are always 'on-call') or multi-tasking for someone else. Makes you feel like you're taking up their valuable time and it's upsetting. The other week I finally got a decent midwife for two appointments in a row and last week she told me she would be booking me in for my induction at the hospital for the 28th (if I didn't have the baby before then). Yesterday I saw her again to have a membrane sweep to try to get this little lady moving, and it was like she was a different person. At one point I though she didn't recognize me because I had to ask her to check up on the results of my blood test (I'm anaemic), had to remind her that I was coming in for a sweep... I was surprised when she called the hospital to book my induction, because I assumed she'd done it last week when we spoke on the phone. Come to find out, the hospital doesn't have any beds available for induction until January 30th---by which time I'll be 12 days overdue. And it could possibly drag out for a couple days after that, the way they do things here. A friend of the family went in for induction at 10 days overdue and they let her lie there in pain for 2 days before FINALLY deciding she needed a cesaerian since the baby's head wouldn't engage. And get this---I don't even have peace of mind of knowing that my induction is booked for the 30th...no, I have to call the labor ward the morning of the 30th to 'see if they have a bed available' and my reaction to that was "And what if they don't?" to which the midwife replied "Well, they'll tell you what to do on the day." The midwife didn't even ask me if I minded the student nurse being there as she was giving me the internal exam, and I just felt really humiliated. (I know I should have spoken up for myself but by that time I was just too upset.) The midwife seemed surprised that I hadn't had any contractions yet, and told me I shouldn't hold out any hopes of the baby arriving before my induction, because her head is very high and she's not engaged. (And she's got her legs firmly lodged in my left ribcage, and has for weeks. OUCH.) I was told to 'just keep walking' to try to get her head engaged, but it's not so easy when I'm in constant back pain. It's a common fact that the longer the baby is left in the womb past their due date, the risk of complications rise incredibly, but no one seems to care. I've read internet articles which say that often babies fail to engage because the cord is wrapped around their necks. This thought has haunted me throughout both of my pregnancies, but especially now. I feel so frustrated no one is taking my concerns seriously. I've called the hospital with my concerns (the pain I've been in, the stress I've been under (hubby has left me 3 times throughout my pregnancy among other things, my anaemia and my legs swelling) on two different occasions and I was told to take two paracetamols and get in a warm bath, and that I couldn't come in unless I was in 'established labor'. "Once your induction date is booked, you have to keep that date. It's protocol." When I was having my daughter (now three yrs old), one of the midwives told me she thought things were 'too over-medicalised' in the States (where I'm from originally) and that it was a natural process which didn't require doctors and 'all that stuff.' Well I'd rather be over-medicalised and have a doctor that took my concerns seriously than an old battle-ax who would let me and my baby die because we're an inconvenience. I can't sleep properly and when I catch a few hours here and there, I'm having nightmares about awful things happening to my baby.

I'm sorry if it seems like all I'm doing is complaining. Please don't get me wrong, I am so greateful to be pregnant and this little one is wanted so much by us both. I am just want her HERE, safe and in my arms. I pray she comes soon. Please spare a thought for us. xoxo.
:hug: :hug:

I can sympathise Mags. I know Im not as far gone as you and so your situation is a lot worse but Im expecting my first baby and my midwives have been rubbish at best, incompetent at worst. Im 37 weeks gone now and have no idea about what to expect, what to do if like you I go past my due date etc. They have given me another appointment for the 23rd Feb and my due date is the 17th!! My Hubby said to them "surely she will have given birth by then" and their response was "quite possibly" :wall: :wall:

So where is my appointment to let me know what to do when i go into labour, when I should go in, what to look out for in the way of complications, and my examination to see whether things are moving in the right direction - i.e. is my cervix starting to dilate yet etc etc.

Its my first baby and I havent got a clue about all of this stuff. Its just soo frustrating and more than a little scary.

This morning on the news too there is a report about how a huge percentage of maternity units dont come up to standard. Says a lot really.

I cant really advise you what to do as I dont know myself but I wanted to let you know I sympathise and give you some of these :hug: :hug:
thats really awful. I dont know what to say- id be terrified in your position, can you seek a second opinion and get someone who will actually get you booked somewhere?
Aww :hug:

Sounds like you are definately mentally ready for your little babba to join the big wide world (she obviously has different ideas and is far to warm and comfy :D )

Interesting that the whole issue of maternity care has been raised in the media over the last couple of days, I'm sure things would be better with you if you were just given a bit of time by a midwife who actually had time to sit down and listen (uninterupted :evil: ) to you and answer your concerns without you feeling like you are just getting in the way.

She will be here soon, you are so nearly there :hug:
Thank you for your replies, girls. J-Do1979 I'm so sorry, believe me I can sympathise with you so much!

This morning it feels like little lady has actually shifted herself in 'sort of' the right direction...but this has happened so many times before. She'll get in position, I get a few niggles and then she moves again. Most of the time she's practically transverse. I just don't know what to do. I want to ring the day assessment unit but I'm afraid of getting treated as if I'm a time waster. Is it too much to want another scan to see if the cord is around baby's neck, and to see if there's any way they'll let me in for an early induction? Am I being a big baby? I really don't know what to do.... All I know is I"m so tired of being in pain and I'm so exhausted. The thought of hanging on till Wednesday is depressing me so much.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: It sounds like you're having a horrible time with your midwife. I'd be tempted to put in an official complaint.
Could you maybe go and see your gp? Could he or she put pressure on the midwife if you tell them how down you're feeling about it all. It must be incredibly hard being heavily pregnant with a toddler!

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