2 miscarriages, one missed. pregnant now but no symptoms.


Aug 16, 2006
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Hi I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks and just found out it had died at my scan, still had the symptoms. The year after I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks but all my symptoms had gone so I knew something wasn't right. I am 10 weeks pregnant and have my scan next Thursday. I am worried though as my symptoms seem to have gone again. I had a few weeks of feeling a little bit sick but nowhere near as sick as my first two pregnancies which actually worked out. Anyone experienced anything similar? I am worried that I will be told the same thing at this next scan. :(
I am sorry to hear about your losses :hug:

I didn't have many symptoms at all with this pregnancy and I was starting to worry, then out of the blue I got sickness and it just got worse and worse at just over 10 weeks :cry: (But I have been diagnosed with HG).

On a positive note, it is quite normal for symptoms to lessen as we get nearer 12 weeks as the hormones start to reduce as the placenta takes over caring for the baby. Although I totally understand why you would be so worried, given the past losses.

Try to keep calm hun and try to stay positive and think of what I have just said, hopefully it is all normal and you and baby will be fine!

I wish you the best of luck and am sending you loads of BABY GLUE!!
:hug: xx
Thanks for that hun. It does help to have reassurance. Fingers crossed for next Thursday.
i hope everything will be ok for you, every pregnancy is different, thinking of you :hug:
I was feeling really sick a couple of weeks ago and it just disappeared last week. Still tired and boobs are a bit achey but nothing really out of the ordinary. I've done a couple of extra HPTs just to check in the last week but it all seems fine, so I think it just happens sometimes.

Hopefully everything'll be fine for you, fingers crossed!
I'm surprised they havent sent you for an early scan already. Not long to wait now though hun but I'm still surprised.
I saw a different doctor this time who was rubbish!!!! He was meant to arrange for an early scan but it's a bit late. He also supplied the wrong dates to the hospital so they were panicking trying to rush me in as they thought I was two months further on than I was!
Hi ewoodgirl

I know how you feel, i had an early scan at 7 weeks where they found 2 heartbeats all very normal - however I have NO SYMPTOMS at all apart from peeing all the time. I am worried that next week they will tell me they've both stopped growing or something. It is a very worrying time.

Fingers crossed for you - i have a scan on the same day too.

Roll on thursday xx
Up until last week I've been feeling really sick and tired, huge hurty boobs, twingy pains in my belly and non-stop peeing but now I'm just tired. I don't feel pregnant at all and am going to do a HPT tonight. I bet everythings alright hun and I'm sorry about your past losses, everyone's different, just make sure they're looking after you. :hug:
I had the scan and all is fine for now. I even gained a day!! Baby was waving hands around a lot and heartbeat seemed fine. Fingers crossed now for the next scan!
Awwwwww I am so pleased for you hun.

A big weight off your mind eh? :hug: xx
Yeah it sure is. I'll enjoy it for a few weeks knowing me then start worrying for the next scan!!! It will be a long 40 weeks!!!
Glad to hear all is well! We've got our first scan a week tomorrow - can't wait to see our bubba for the first time :pray:
Hi hun

So sorry for your losses. Im pregnant with my first baby and to start with i felt really sick now its calming down and its only been a couple of weeks. Its really weird how it starts and stops all the time. Im sure everything will be fine, good luck with the scan and let us know how it went.

Take Care x

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