21 Day Blood Test Results - advice on progesterone please?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi all
I have had my 21 day blood test results back and they are showing as normal. The doctor didn't even want to see me to go through them, but I picked a copy of the results up from the docs on my way home and I am a bit concerned about my progesterone level as it is only 19.4 nmol/L and the range they are comparing it to for females in the luteal phase is 18-72, which means I am definitely at the lower end! Does anyone know what these figures mean, does it mean I ovulated and should I be concerned? I am just worried that it is this low progesterone that caused me to miscarry a few months ago. I think I ovulated 6 days before my blood test, as opposed to the 7 days they recommend - could this have affected my results slightly?

Also, would this blood test have shown whether I am at high risk of PCOS as I often worry about this?

Any kind of advice would be much appreciated!!!!

Hiya, not sure if I can give advice exactly but I had my day 21 test in december and I too was 6 days post ov, not 7 (7 days post ov was xmas day hence I had it done early) anyway, my result was 70. I have been ttc no2 for 20 months btw, thats why I had it checked. On my lab report it said that levels over 25 were normal range for ovulation to have occurred but not to exclude levels between 5 and 25. I am sure there are people on here who have had levels of 10 and stuff and acually been pg though so I am not sure how much it matters. They say the higher it is the better but despite a level of 70 I got my friggin AF as usual so it made no difference to me! Good luck :D
Thanks for the reply Jen, much appreciated.

I actually went back to the doctors this morning because I've got a chest infection, so whilst there I asked him about my low progesterone. He said it was low, but he doubts very much that I didn't ovulate as it wasn't that far off 30, and he would expect me to have had a much lower level if I hadn't ovulated. He thinks it's more likely that I got my ov date slightly wrong. That said, he is going to do the tests again this month which is good.

I really would appreciate anyone elses views on these day 21 blood tests. Particularly the LH and FSH results. I had an LH of 10.4 and FSH of 7.0 - I read on the net that my LH level should be lower than my FSH level and that could mean I have PCOS. However, I also read that it is more accurate at day 3 rather than 21, so it might not be that relevant.

He said my oestrogen level was fine, which I suppose is one positive.

I hate my crap body and felt so useless telling OH that I may or may not be working properly :wall: :wall: :wall:
Do you have any other symptoms of PCOS? I have hormonal issues that also manifest themselves physically - I have a few extra pounds that I find hard to shift in general, I have some extra hair in places that I'd rather not, I get acne from time to time (especially when I'm not eating properly - got loads over Xmas), and I get really moody and exhausted if I have sugary foods, all of this on top of the irregular cycles which I try to keep under control with proper diet and nutrition. I don't know if you can get a specific blood test done for that now or not; I had mine done when I hadn't had a period in 8 months. Sorry I can't be more help! :hug:
Hi Melissa
I don't think I have any PCOS symptoms really. I didn't have a period for 3 months when I came off the pill, which I thought was probably to be expected, but since then they have been between 28-35 days long, but they are really light and only last a few days.
I don't suffer from acne (and never have), I am a little bit overweight but not much and I put that more down to me liking my food rather than anything else, I am blonde so don't think I have any extra hair, other than a couple of black ones below my bellybutton. I have also had a few long stray black hairs on my legs, but again, not too many - maybe 7 or 8. I don't think I have any problems with sugary foods (other than I like them!) and my glucose level is normal and my thyroid is normal too.
My doc said the FSH and LH were normal, but he didn't really pay much attention to them and I didn't want to tell him his job by pointing out that one was higher than the other!
From what I could tell, my doc was more bothered about the progesterone and thinks that even though I probably did ovulate, I need it to increase.
What do you think..?!
I wouldn't worry about PCOS then, hon, from what you've said. You might want to try agnus castus if you're worried about your progesterone levels as well as getting some exercise at least 3 times a week if you don't already and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. Your body can fix itself with the right tools and that will save you having to take any artificial hormones. :hug:
That sounds like a plan, thanks for your advice hun. :hug: :hug:
I am already drinking 2 litres of water a day and have been taking agnus castus for a month now - I am pretty sure the agnus helped last month, so I'll carry on with that. I would much rather see if I can help my progesterone level increase myself by getting a bit fitter, eating and drinking better and taking a herbal remedy rather than having to take medication for it.
Just out of interest, do you think the pill could have caused me to have a low progesterone level? I just can't seem to find an answer for why it's so low, despite searching the internet night after night! :wall: :wall:
It's possible. Anything artificial that you put in your body can screw with you and cause things to go haywire. This includes all kinds of food preservatives, pesticides, as well as any prescription drugs that you may take.

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