2nd miscarriage at 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I guess I belong here now...

First miscarriage in June at 5 weeks, just starting second at 5.5w now.

I don't plan on trying again until next year now. I want to prepare myself mentally and prepare my body. Obviously there is something wrong.

I've gone from thinking I couldn't get pregnant naturally, to getting pregnant super easily but not being hold on to it.

Not sure what I'm asking here... Am I doomed to not get past 6 weeks? Is there any reason for this? I always thought/read two+ in a row was quite uncommon.
2 miscarriages in a row is actually quite common, I’ve experienced it myself as have many other ladies on this forum, there was quite a few of us having 2 miscarriages in a row all at the same time back when I used the forum a lot before I had my daughter, there’s been ladies on here who’ve had three or more in a row then had a baby! It’s a horrible experience but doesn’t mean anything is wrong at all, more likely to just be unlucky, 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, that’s the starting point for any pregnancy and there’s no rule which says if your last one was a miscarriage your next one won’t be, oh the joys of being a woman eh! Wishing you all the luck for next time <3
agree with night owl, I would even say that 3 mcs in the row is quite common and you do not need to worry. Try to stay positive and believe in your positive result. x

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