35 weeks pregnant what are these pains?


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Oct 3, 2010
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Hi Girls

Hope you and bumps and all well.

I Have been experiencing quite a few pains last couple of day sand just wondering if anyone has experienced any similar and can shed any light.

I Know all these aches and pains are all part of pregnancy but has just been worrying me lately.

I have been suffering past couple of days with a really bad period type ache pain its more to the lower right side. but last night i started getting quite painful shooting pains through my lady parts sorry for tmi!! the pain seems to be quite constant through the day and then comes and goes at night. Baby is still moving around more at night than during the day.

When i had midwife appointment last week i wasnt suffering with any of these pains so havent mentioned them. Baby is 3/5 and head down midwife said baby is nearly engaged could the pains be to do with the position of baby?

I have been suffering with spd but thats only at night to the point where i cant walk the stairs get into bed or turn in bed :cry: its so painful but that disappears at 3am when i get up to go the loo and then i have no problems with that till the evening again just suffering with this pain in between.

sorry for the long message.

these 5 weeks seem to be going so slow and with these pains thrown in for good measure just starting to feel very fed up. was half hoping baby may come early.

Hey hun, im 35+ weeks too and I started to get mild period type pains last night as well as mild back pain. It wasn't agony just like the pain you get just before your period starts. It was away by this morning but it seems to.be coming back again now. I was 3/5 engaged last week too. I'm just guessing its baby moving further down or our bodies getting ready. I was also getting Sharp pains going into my foof as well, a bit like baby scrapping down there, but very short pains?
It has felt like its started to drag now! I want her to stay in till 37 weeks and then she will be served her eviction notice ;)

Awww Pinkymum thank you so much for your reply sweetness.

aww i am so glad to hear that your experiencing the same too and that we are about the same in weeks too means at least its nothing serious and as you say is probably just baby moving further or our bodies getting ready.

im the same 37 weeks will be a nice time to have baby here keep them cooking for just that little bit longer but 40weeks+ is far to long.

We still have the nursery to start this weekend so im sure that will make it go a bit quicker.

Just so glad that our little ones will be here before summer really starts i was starting to struggle with the heat that we were having already.

Thank you again honey xx
That's no probs hun. Obviously if you're worried call your mw. Good luck with the nursery this weekend. Mine is being papered tonight and hopefully painted ASAP!

Hey, if I were having pain at 35 weeks I would assume early labour I think, but then hey I don't know anything about how it is meant to feel!! Maybe your body preparing for change hun .. x
Hey, if I were having pain at 35 weeks I would assume early labour I think, but then hey I don't know anything about how it is meant to feel!! Maybe your body preparing for change hun .. x

I would have probably assumed early labour too but so many of the girls have been getting pains for weeks, so I'm guessing just body preparing.....who knows :roll::lol:
I agree with Pinky hun. Sounds like it's just the weight of the baby putting strain on your muscles. Make sure you relax and don't over do things, keep good posture etc

That's no probs hun. Obviously if you're worried call your mw. Good luck with the nursery this weekend. Mine is being papered tonight and hopefully painted ASAP!

Hey, if I were having pain at 35 weeks I would assume early labour I think, but then hey I don't know anything about how it is meant to feel!! Maybe your body preparing for change hun .. x

I agree with Pinky hun. Sounds like it's just the weight of the baby putting strain on your muscles. Make sure you relax and don't over do things, keep good posture etc


aww thank you pinkymum you to with the nursery hope it all goes well xx

Merfairy thats what i thought to originally but its reassuring to know that others are having the same pains puts your mind at rest.

I agree miss after seeing that pinky is having the same pains that it is just our bodies getting ready or as you say baby putting strain on our muscles. definately time to relax as soon as this nursery is done there is nothing else to do other that sit and wait for baby to make its appearance :dance:

thank you for all your replies xxx
I wouldn't assume early labour at 35 weeks....I would think it is baby engaging and associated pains with that....could also be connected to your SPD making things feel even worse! I've had similar pains on and off for weeks and SPD has been causing real pains between my legs and like you, turning in bed is agony! Hope you get some relief soon...mine do seem to be on and off xxx
Dunno as jodied had her little girl at 35 weeks, so keep a eye on it huni xx
Dunno as jodied had her little girl at 35 weeks, so keep a eye on it huni xx

I think if the pains I've had got worse or if there was a pattern to them then I'd be thinking early labour and calling the hospital like jodie did. Doesn't sound like littlestars are like that. But yeah defo keep an eye on it x


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