4 days overdue - HELP :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I never ever ever ever thought I would go overdue! My first 1 was spot on time and 2-3 weeks ago I had such bad tummy and back pains etc I was absolutely sure something was happening... But it has all worn off and now... Just feel tired with a bit of back pain and an occasional tummy cramp. Nothing to indicaite that i will be in labour soon though...
Has anyone here had a sweep? Is it actually as bad as it sounds in all the detailed articles on google? Does it hurt? Does it work? I am booked in for one on the 29th. It is rather weird as I will have to be induced between 10-12 days overdue, 29th Sept is the 10th day so technically not even sure if I will have time to wait whether the sweep works as I would have to be booked in to the hospital the day after?
Sorry for the rant, I am feeling so heavy and sick and down I just don't wanna do it anymore... None of the walking, raspberry leaf tablets, teas, champagne, sex or anything has worked :wall2: xx
Oh no, hope LO comes before your sweep! I've never had a sweep so can't help you there! x x
Thank you, I hope so too, sounds rather disgusting... xx

I had two sweeps with Hayden. They dont hurt, little bit uncomfortable yeahh, but honestly.. when your overdue.. you wanna try anything right!? Haha.
And hey, the longer overdue you are, the more chance the sweep has of working! I hope you dont make it to your sweep though!!

Goodluck! Keep me updated via text :) xxxx
good luck with your sweep i had one with dd didnt do anything to help things along but it wasnt to painfull just a bit uncomfortable
oh hun cant you call your MW and BEGG for a sweep earlier?
Beth - thanks honey! I really do hope it won't go that far! I remember how fed up you were, I am exactly the same now, I just wanna cry. I will keep you updated though! xxx

Isobel: My MW only works on Wednesday at the surgery and she was sure things wouldn't go that far... Not so sure about that... She is very... How to put it - relaxed, she doesn't seem to worried about things, like during the 9 months of pregnancy she only took 1 urine sample (that wasn't even her to be honest, there was another MW replacing her when she was on holiday...) So there's not a chance I will get anything before that :( xx
oh.. mine does first sweep at 40+ 7 but i will try n get it at 40 + 3 if it comes to it..

you still got time tho to start your labour before that xx
I really do hope it won't get that far! First you think, you've been waiting for that long, surely another week or 2 won't matter... Every single day is dragging like a year... He'd better make a move! I shall be walking up and down the stairs in our block of flats tonight!xx
that sounds like a plan. Make sure you have your best bedding, your best underwear (that you can fit in) and anything else that you dont want ruined by water and it will soon get going xx
Hahaha, you're right, I should do that!! Make sure I am not ready (maybe I should unpack my hospital bag!) and wear all the best stuff - sod's law will give me my very own labour thread in no time! :lol: xx
chuck all babies clothes on the floor and leave there for an hour before chucking it all in the laundrybag and DONT WASH IT until tomorrow and im sure you will need it tonight when you dont hve it :D

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