4w 5day, tissue on cervix?


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Hi, my name is Maria I'm married and been TTC for 2years ... had 3 VERY early miscarriages all between 4-5 weeks. Can't seem to get past 6 weeks. My husband and I saw a Fertility doctor Jan 2010. We had all testings done- tubes open, no scar tissue/polyps on the uterine wall, sperm all above "normal" ... so in March of 2010, we had our first IUI - got a BFP, then a week later lost the baby. We lost the insurance so we weren't able to continue treatment. Been at a stand still since.

Fast forward to today- what a suprise I got a BFP last Wed 12-28-11!! On Fri had spotting, only when I wiped. Then Sat, New Years Eve- more spotting. I am concerned because of my history. We went to the ER and my hCG levels were at 487 (this was my first blood work- so I don't know if my levels fell or didn't double) and Dr said the spotting is normal. I was a little at ease, that's until she did the pelvic exam--- went DOWN hill from there. She said I had tissue on my cervix and that I'm going to miscarry? Omg, why can't I get past 6 weeks AND why didn't the Fertility doctors find anything after ALL those testings?? So this is miscarriage #4!!!!:-( I haven't bled yet, just had dark brown spotting yesterday. I have to go in tomrrow and get my levels checked to make sure they are going down. I just have a weird feeling and want some clarification. Maybe I'm delussional and want a baby so bad that I don't want to accept it. I know it can take a few days or couple of weeks to actually bleed out ... ugh I hate this.

Thank you
Hi there, so sorry to hear you're going through this again.

I've had 4 early losses, same as you, 3 of them were in a row. It's heartbreaking knowing that you can't get past that all-important stage. I never got past 5 weeks and it was so frustrating.

Luckily, I'm now nearly ten weeks pregnant, and hopefully will continue on to have a healthy baby!!

The things I did differently this time, although this may just have been relevant to my situation and not necessarily apply to everyone, was this:

  • Increased Folic Acid to 5mg (high dose prescribed by doctor, you can request this)
  • Low dose aspirin (75mg) every day
  • Relax as much as possible - doc said stress could have been a factor

I don't know how readily available these things are in the US, but here it can all be done on the NHS. Even at a drugstore I don't imagine the aspirin or folic acid will cost that much so you should be able to manage without insurance for that xx
hi millermiracle, so sorry for your losses that must be heartbreaking. I hope they are wrong about this one but Leesey's advice sounds like a good place to start. Have they checked things like other hormone levels as well, it sounds like stye need to keep an eye on you during the pregnancy to see what changing to cause your early mc's. Sorry I can't offer any advice, I've only had 1 mc and that was later (11 weeks). Let us know how you get on, :hug:
Im sorry to hear your story! MC is just the hardest thing to go through never mind 4. In terms of advice I think Leesey gave all I would say. Big hug! Xxx
Hi, my name is Maria I'm married and been TTC for 2years ... had 3 VERY early miscarriages all between 4-5 weeks. Can't seem to get past 6 weeks. My husband and I saw a Fertility doctor Jan 2010. We had all testings done- tubes open, no scar tissue/polyps on the uterine wall, sperm all above "normal" ... so in March of 2010, we had our first IUI - got a BFP, then a week later lost the baby. We lost the insurance so we weren't able to continue treatment. Been at a stand still since.

Fast forward to today- what a suprise I got a BFP last Wed 12-28-11!! On Fri had spotting, only when I wiped. Then Sat, New Years Eve- more spotting. I am concerned because of my history. We went to the ER and my hCG levels were at 487 (this was my first blood work- so I don't know if my levels fell or didn't double) and Dr said the spotting is normal. I was a little at ease, that's until she did the pelvic exam--- went DOWN hill from there. She said I had tissue on my cervix and that I'm going to miscarry? Omg, why can't I get past 6 weeks AND why didn't the Fertility doctors find anything after ALL those testings?? So this is miscarriage #4!!!!:-( I haven't bled yet, just had dark brown spotting yesterday. I have to go in tomrrow and get my levels checked to make sure they are going down. I just have a weird feeling and want some clarification. Maybe I'm delussional and want a baby so bad that I don't want to accept it. I know it can take a few days or couple of weeks to actually bleed out ... ugh I hate this.

Thank you

Hi Maria,

I am Natalie and I have had 3 miscarriages - my first @ 8 weeks (but the bleeding started at 5 week mark) and the other two were early between 5-6 weeks. My 2nd and 3rd occured one after another.

I too understand the frustration of not being able to get past 6 weeks without a bleed.

I am due to see a specialist at the recurrent miscarriage clinic this Friday and so far the issues I am going to bring up are:

Cervical lining thickness
Progesterone levels
Blood (is blood too thick or thin?)
Luteal phase (too short = recurrent miscarriage??)
Chromosomal compatibility with partner
Small cyst
Baby Asprin (will this be of any help to me?)

I am sorry that your tests before have not been able to pick up anything but I suggest you ask for a 2nd opinion.

If you are interested I will let you know how I get on and if I am given any information I think may be of general help to you?

I assume you are US based? So I would get onto your gynecologist and ask to be referred to a specialist again.

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Hi there, so sorry to hear you're going through this again.

I've had 4 early losses, same as you, 3 of them were in a row. It's heartbreaking knowing that you can't get past that all-important stage. I never got past 5 weeks and it was so frustrating.

Luckily, I'm now nearly ten weeks pregnant, and hopefully will continue on to have a healthy baby!!

The things I did differently this time, although this may just have been relevant to my situation and not necessarily apply to everyone, was this:

  • Increased Folic Acid to 5mg (high dose prescribed by doctor, you can request this)
  • Low dose aspirin (75mg) every day
  • Relax as much as possible - doc said stress could have been a factor
I don't know how readily available these things are in the US, but here it can all be done on the NHS. Even at a drugstore I don't imagine the aspirin or folic acid will cost that much so you should be able to manage without insurance for that xx

Hey leesey,

10 weeks?? Wowser - your story truly does give me hope!

Hi there, so sorry to hear you're going through this again.

I've had 4 early losses, same as you, 3 of them were in a row. It's heartbreaking knowing that you can't get past that all-important stage. I never got past 5 weeks and it was so frustrating.

Luckily, I'm now nearly ten weeks pregnant, and hopefully will continue on to have a healthy baby!!

The things I did differently this time, although this may just have been relevant to my situation and not necessarily apply to everyone, was this:

  • Increased Folic Acid to 5mg (high dose prescribed by doctor, you can request this)
  • Low dose aspirin (75mg) every day
  • Relax as much as possible - doc said stress could have been a factor
I don't know how readily available these things are in the US, but here it can all be done on the NHS. Even at a drugstore I don't imagine the aspirin or folic acid will cost that much so you should be able to manage without insurance for that xx

Hey leesey,

10 weeks?? Wowser - your story truly does give me hope!


10 weeks tomorrow, yay! Check my pregnancy journal, I just got another scan today and bubs is doing well xx
Just wanted to say welcome to the forum and good luck!
4 MC must be devastating - you def need some answers and some help to stop this happening again. xxx
10 weeks tomorrow, yay! Check my pregnancy journal, I just got another scan today and bubs is doing well xx

I'll go and have a look sweetie!

Huge congrats and good luck for today's scan as well


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