6 days late for period, negative test


Jun 25, 2012
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I stopped taking cerazette in Feb and since march I have had very regular periods.
I was due on 6 days ago, on Saturday (2 days ago) I took a test which came out negative! The test was an asda cheapie!
I have been experiencing cramps, for about a week and assumed that they were period pains.

Could I be pregnant even thought the test was negative?
Hi, it is still possible to be pregnant even though u had a negative test, so there is hope for us all :) cerazette can change/ alter/ interfere with af cycles for some time after taking them. Easier said then done I know, but try to relax and test again. If still neg keep trying every few days, it may just be a shy bfp. Good luck hun x
Hiya hun,

You could well be pregnant despite the BFN but could just as easily be the other way too... when I came off cerezette in January I had 2 x 28 day cycles and then they went to 33 days and this cycle I'm on CD40 + still no sign of AF but getting BFN's and dont think im pregnant... even when you think you've got it all worked out cerezette always seems to bloody mess it up again grr - so annoying.. hopefully for you it is linked to a BFP and not your body playing games, this is only my experience it may end up being very different for you , lets hope so :)xx
Hi girls,

Thanks for your replies!

After posting this my period has decided to come!
Quite gutting but sorta thought it would!

It's definatley the cerazette I can safely say I will never go back on that again! Lol

Yeah I know what you mean! When I was on it I thought it was great because other than the initially 3 or 4 months of constant bleeding I then didnt have a period for all of the years I was taking it.. But my cycles have been really irregular since coming off.. but i always think it could be worse! At least we are still having cycles of some sort :) I've found because mine are so irregulary charting really helps but doesnt suit everyone xx

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