6 week old not fed all day


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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hey girls, my 6 week old baby son alfies not had a bottle all day.. im reallyworried, his sisters come down with a cold and is miserable and yesterday he also developed the same.. alfies 7 weeks early and was up all last night every hour and not drinkin like he shud be.. im worried what shud i do???? :'(
Id try again and if u have no luck call out of hours and see what they say x x
Poor lil man x
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Get him to a doctor ASAP. Baby's that age can dehydrate very quickly if they don't get regular fluids.
I agree with above! They need to drink otherwise their dehydrate! Keep trying little and often or take him to a&e. Hope he's ok x x
Hope he's ok Hun, id take him to b checked to be on the safe side xx
ive rang doctors hes got appointment tonight cos hes prem its essential hes seen :) just extremely worried about him :(
he seems ok in himself but just a cough and not drinking x
Yep good advice from the girls, my then 10 week old was admitted to hospital as he was beginning to dehydrate and his intake only went down by half :(

Let us know, hope lo is ok xxx
hope everythings okay today and Alife's feeling better.
hey guys, i took alfie to hospital last night to be checked, they said hes all bunged up in the nose so its stoppin him wanting his bottles, they said to keep tryin him on a bottle, and if he doesnt take any to bring him straight back as hes a premature baby... he takes an ounce or less sometimes and he actually hasnt had a bottle since last night so im wonderin if i shud take him straight Back in?? im scared :"(
dont be scared hun :hug: if he hasnt taken a bottle all night then take him in. They will be able to get his fluids up and keep an eye on his cold. Its what theyre there for.
yh take him back in hun. its better to be safe than sorry xx Hope hes ok xx
Hey Guys, he went into hospital monday cos he was just not feeding and he started weezing so took him straight in and they diagnosed him with bronchiolitis, he was in for 3 days to monitor his breathing as they usually get worse before they get better and he seemed to got worse, hes now home but early hours of this morning he wouldnt keep down ANY of his feeds, he brings then up in massive clumps of milk.. quit discusting really! :( not sure wether i shud ring the ward he was on and ask them what it cud be??
Id ring them if i was you Hun, even if its just to put your mind at ease, hope he's better soon xx
yh id ring them to hun xx hope your both ok xx
Ring them, it can't do any harm xx
hi, sorry you are having such a tough time with your baby. I would advise you call the ward;on call doctor, or NHS direct if you have any concerns... they are realy cool about stuff, but you need to make the contact. I hope things improve.. x

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