A breast feeding question


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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How long should a feed be?
How long are you feeding for?

At the beginning I was feeding at least half an hour, usually an hour and at times 2 hours.
Jack seemed to be hungry still and the H/V said as he wasn't putting on weight I probably wasn't producing enough milk so Im now topping up with formula.

Im confused because one H/V said to give Jack 15-20mins on each side and then top up if still hungry.
Another H/V said feed on one side and express on the other.
Some people have said half an hour but some of you guys are feeding for an hour.

Any advice?

Also, at first I was leaking lots of milk, to the point I would wake up with a wet top in the mornings, now it seems I hardly ever leak. Should I be worried or concerned? is my milk production slowing down even more?
Don't worry if you stop leaking, that part is quite normal as your supply adjusts to demand.

Brody will feed on average for about 20 mins. Sometimes though he'll have a little snack of about 5-10 mins. Other times, usually later at night, he'll feed for a good 30 mins.
I have to decide which breast to use, not by which one he fed from last, but by HOW MUCH he had from it, ie if he only had a snack I have to return to that breast for another feed to make sure he has the good stuff not just the watery stuff.
My first son fed a lot longer in one go, but as long as Brody is putting on weight I don't care how long he takes at each feed.
Rubie normally feeds for 20 minutes each breast.
Jack has just had a feed, started him on 1 boob at 2.50pm, swapped over after 20 mins and he fed on the other boob for 25 ish mins. He still cried when I put him down so I gave him 3 oz of Formula.
Put him down......still cried, changed his nappy and offered him more of his formula (1oz left) he didnt want it.

Have winded him and put him down, he is still crying, well whinging really!

If I get it right its great, if not this goes on for hours!!! :cry: :?
danielle only ever fed for about 10 mins (if that)

i know it sounds funny but it depends on the speed of ur flow, try squeezing and see how many holes it comes out of and how fast.

danielle used to get it squirted in her face alot as mine was generally very quick and from alot of holes lol
Mine did squirt at the beginning but doesnt now, I used to be able to squeeze some out too but nothing happened when I tried earlier.

He had the 1oz of formula that was left, and another 1 1/2 oz. He is starting to fall asleep in between whinges!
See this is the problem, I cant get into a routine when its taking 2 hours to feed him on an evening. Plus It starts to get me down.

I have had a bath run for ages, might be able to get in it now :?
I know what it's like when they whinge for ages, sometimes it takes me 3 hours to get upstairs. It's so frustrating when you don't know what they want. Rubie was whinging the other day and I couldn't work it out, she had been fed changed, cuddles, burped, and still wouldn't settle. In the end I gave her an extra blanket and she went out like a light, turned out she was cold bless her!! I felt awful :(
Lulu, I am experiencing the same as you. i have been topping Seren up on formula, even after she has had both boobs. its not every feed, mainly in the evening when she is really difficult to settle. I feed her until she has had enough, which can take ages and she will sometimes want the other boob too. I just feel like a milking machine, and my heart sinks at night when she wakens as I know it means that I will be feeding for ages. I was also leaking but seem to have stopped now, my MW said that this was a normal thing and meant that your body was producing the right amount of milk. Do you find that Jack feeds more in the evening?
I'm in tears at the moment as I am in the same situation.

I used to have so much milk it would squirt her in the face before she'd had a chance to latch on. She'd fill up within 10-15 mins, let go when she'd finished and have milk all round her face and be fast asleep.

Since I've had mastitis my milk supply has slowed drastically. My boobs feel soft, rarely leak unless I haven't fed for hours and this morning she had 40ml of expressed milk then latched on for an hour. Within 2 hours she was hungry again so I put her on the left boob for 45 mins and she was still looking for nipple when I took her off, so I put her on the right for 30 mins. She finally fell asleep but was still sucking and I had to take her off. No more milk around her face. My other nipple rarely lets down when I am feeding her anymore. It does when I express though.

Yesterday I gave her expressed feeds of 100ml at each feed and that satisfies her. I could just express and feed all her feeds but I miss breast feeding and it upsets me to give her the bottle (and makes me cry just thinking about it).

I called the MW just now and she told me to ring her when she wakes for her next feed and she'll drive over as she needs to watch her feed, hopefully she'll be able to tell me what's what then.

I really really want to continue breast feeding so much it makes me cry to think about not doing it. I've tried everything from expressing lots yesterday (to try and stimulate my boobs to produce more), to not wearing nipple shields today on my damaged nipple (the MW said that the lack of stimulation can stop your breasts from letting down). I've been relaxed, thinking happy thoughts, looking at her and smelling her to try and make it come out more and I've tried taking my mind off of it by watching telly.

Why is this so hard at the moment? I just want things to go back to how they were when I had loads of milk. I'd rather be leaking all over the place but know that she's satisfied by my breast and getting my milk and nourishment than have these dry useless F cups. I don't get why I can express it, occasionally it lets down of it's own accord (they've gone all tight and stinging as I speak which normally means it's coming) and sometimes it drips out (mostly in the mornings) but as soon as she gets on my nipple there's nothing?

I've had 9 months of people shoving it down my throat about how breast is best, it doesn't hurt if you're doing it properly blah blah blah and if I have to give up I'll feel like such a freak with crappy useless boobs.
Aw Rosieroo don't say that - you're not a freak and your boobs aren't crappy and useless. It just takes time to get going with the feeding, it's something both mother and baby have to learn and doesn't come easy for everyone. At parentcraft we were given a leaflet about breastfeeding support groups in the area, it might be worth looking into if there is one where you are. Breasfeeding mothers get together to give advice and support to each other. It is hard work and may be good for baby but it certainly isn't 'best' for everyone.

Personally I hate doing it, although I havn't had any problems. It's not that I'm embarrassed and it doesn't hurt so I don't know why I don't like it. I will carry on for now though as I don't see a reason to stop.
A really great MW came round tonight after Ella had bathtime and was ready for a feed to help us out. It would appear I've been latching her on incorrectly, hence the longer feeds. Apparently the nipple needs to reach the soft palate at the back of her throat, not just the hard one at the front. With her help I managed to get her on correctly and she fed for 10 mins before falling fast asleep. I just did her last feed and it took an hour, but that involved 3 nappy changes, plus I broke her off once as she was incorrectly on. She came off of her own accord so I will just have to see how long she lasts before her next feed.

Off to bed as tired!
That's great news!!!

I didn't havew time to reply to your other post when I saw it and was coming back to do it now....and now it seems you don't need my advice anyway!
That MW sounds excellent....let us know how you get on with the new positioning!
Been getting on a lot better with the new positioning. Last night she woke at 3.30am, I fed her and put her down at 4am and then had to get her up at 9.15am to change her as the HV was coming round at 10. She went on at 9.30 for about 40mins, had a top up at 12pm and had another feed at about 3pm (about 30mins). She seems to feed more in the day, I reckon she'd probably have a bit more now as she's awake, but I guess I've got to stop flopping out my boob everytime she's awake with her mouth open/sucks her hand.

When she was weighed she's put on 11.5oz so she is getting some milk. Unfortunately the antibiotics I'm on are giving her diarrohea and making her a little gripey. I can't wait to get off of them.

Still not perfect but getting better. The HV said that he was really impressed I carried on feeding through mastitis and was really trying to beef up my confidence today which I thought was sweet. And the MW last night said that I need to remember I'm not a robot and that my boobs aren't going to produce the same amount of milk at every feed.

Breastfeeding is hard work but I am determined to perservere - I'm not giving up yet! They'll have to prise her off my damaged nipples!!!
rosieroo said:
Breastfeeding is hard work but I am determined to perservere - I'm not giving up yet! They'll have to prise her off my damaged nipples!!!

I am thinking exactly the same. Went to my first breast feeding clinic, was good to be able to talk to others. Am still getting realy sore but I am determined that this one is going to breast feed. She is taking a lot less formula, only took about 4oz yesterday whgich is a big reduction so I am feeling more positive. Plus she has been fed three times this afternoon and fallen asleep after each boob, which she never used to do. Just got to prepare myself for the evening cluster feeding, my nipples are starting to ache already at the thought.

Am really pleased its getting better for you Rosieroo, what position do you use to help Ella to latch on correctly. I am feeding Seren held across me mainly but my nipples are still getting sore even though she has a good mouthful???
Hi, sorry not replied sooner....hectic few days.

Maybe Jack is latching on wrong then. The H/V said I was doing it ok but Jack wriggles around so much due to wind maybe thats causing a problem.

I am quite pleased though as my nipples have started squirting again (maybe all this pumping is paying off!!!)

Jack settled during the night last night with 20 mins on each boob and about 4 oz of formula. He is really suffering with wind and colic though.

My partner is making it hard by continuosly saying he wants me to pump more to enable me to top up with breast milk not formula.
Im feeling rather down at the moment. I dont really enjoy breast feeding but Im determind to keep it up. Although feeling down isnt going to help much!
I lay Ella totally on her side with her tummy right against me (using either pillows/cushions and her nursing pillow to make sure she's at nipple height), then using the arm opposite to the nipple she's on (I.e. left arm for right nipple) I place it along her back so her bum is in the crook of my arm and my hand is on the back of her head. It's then easier to bring her to my nipple when she's got her mouth wiiiiiide open. It feels very cack handed and sometimes I have to have a bit of patience waiting for her to be proper open for it, but it's working better.

My partner is making it hard by continuosly saying he wants me to pump more to enable me to top up with breast milk not formula.

I think your partner should be being more supportive of you Lulu and am sorry he isn't :( You are really doing well girl!
beanie said:
rosieroo said:
Breastfeeding is hard work but I am determined to perservere - I'm not giving up yet! They'll have to prise her off my damaged nipples!!!

I am thinking exactly the same.

It gets LOADS Easier girls, you're both doing really well.

The sore nipples will stop really soon as they toughen up (LOL) and your babies will get better with all practice. Soon it'll be second nature for both of you!

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