A chemical pregnancy?


Jun 25, 2010
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I think I've had a chemical pregnancy.

We're not TTC, hopefully should be trying soon. We had a month where we weren't being careful but this month we were. We've decided that if I become pregnant it isn't that big a deal but we would prefer to wait for a while.

Anyway. My period was almost 2 weeks late this month. So I tested last week on a cheap test and got a positive but it was very faint. I was convinced it was an evap, I didn't trust this test at all. Then a day or two later I tested again with a different brand and, again, positive. Then a couple of days ago I tested again and it's getting fainter?

Then I started bleeding a couple of days ago which was light at first. Then yesterday it started getting heavier. So I'm guessing this was a chemical pregnancy?

Now I'm not sure if there's anything I need to do or not? I had such bad cramps the day before I started bleeding but then nothing yesterday. But since this morning I've been in such bad pain. I went out for a walk this morning and it stopped. But now I'm in pain again and I'm starting to worry. It's not like normal period pains, it's quite a lot worse. I'm bleeding heavier than a normal period but nothing that's really concerning me to be honest.

Does this sound like a chemical pregnancy? What do I need to do now? Or nothing? And is it normal to be in quite a lot of pain?

I think I've had a chemical pregnancy.

We're not TTC, hopefully should be trying soon. We had a month where we weren't being careful but this month we were. We've decided that if I become pregnant it isn't that big a deal but we would prefer to wait for a while.

Anyway. My period was almost 2 weeks late this month. So I tested last week on a cheap test and got a positive but it was very faint. I was convinced it was an evap, I didn't trust this test at all. Then a day or two later I tested again with a different brand and, again, positive. Then a couple of days ago I tested again and it's getting fainter?

Then I started bleeding a couple of days ago which was light at first. Then yesterday it started getting heavier. So I'm guessing this was a chemical pregnancy?

Now I'm not sure if there's anything I need to do or not? I had such bad cramps the day before I started bleeding but then nothing yesterday. But since this morning I've been in such bad pain. I went out for a walk this morning and it stopped. But now I'm in pain again and I'm starting to worry. It's not like normal period pains, it's quite a lot worse. I'm bleeding heavier than a normal period but nothing that's really concerning me to be honest.

Does this sound like a chemical pregnancy? What do I need to do now? Or nothing? And is it normal to be in quite a lot of pain?


I had a chemical pregnancy 6 an half weeks ago :( anyway i was the same i tested positive on pregnancy tests then after the bleeding and that stopped i had negative test.

If you are in a lot of pain you better going to A&E and get yourself checked out to be in the safe side.

I hope you feel better soon and so sorry for your loss :hug:

I am sorry you are having to go through what this, I had the same as what you are describing when i had a chemical pregnancy last month and had to go to A&E because the pain was unbearable, I agree with Denise33 saying if you are in a lot of pain and bleeding heavy it will be saver for you to go to A&E and be checked over.

I hope you get better soon take care x
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I panicked a bit and the pain seems to be easing a bit after I had a hot bath and took some painkillers. I'm going to get an early night and see how I feel tomorrow I think.

So if I'm OK otherwise there's no need to do anything else?
And if I'm not in anymore bad pain and heavy bleeding obviously.
So sorry for you , sending you a big hug hun X:hug:
I woke up in pain but my boyfriend says I should be alright, I'm not bleeding heavily or anything and the pain seems to be easing as the day goes on. Just feeling a bit down today :-(
Is it bad pain you are getting still? it might be even worth arranging a doctors appointment and speak to them.

If you ever need to talk and let things off your chest there are plenty of people on here will offer you a lot of support :hug:I know how hard it is, i even still have good days and bad days.
Not quite as bad as yesterday but still quite bad. Think I made it worse yesterday by panicking. Hmm don't want to waste any time really. My boyfriends a doctor (comes in quite handy with things like this!) and I trust him saying it will be OK. But I'll definately get myself checked out if it doesn't stop or gets worse because I know while we're at home he can't see what's going on inside etc.

Thanks :) Trying to stay positive. There's plenty of time. Just would have been so much better if I hadn't had the positive tests and got excited about telling people, thinking way too far ahead etc. :(
Not quite as bad as yesterday but still quite bad. Think I made it worse yesterday by panicking. Hmm don't want to waste any time really. My boyfriends a doctor (comes in quite handy with things like this!) and I trust him saying it will be OK. But I'll definately get myself checked out if it doesn't stop or gets worse because I know while we're at home he can't see what's going on inside etc.

Thanks :) Trying to stay positive. There's plenty of time. Just would have been so much better if I hadn't had the positive tests and got excited about telling people, thinking way too far ahead etc. :(

I did the same when bragging about i was pregnant then had the job of telling people i wasnt a week later. So now i have decided that i am not testing till i think i am late.

It handy having a doc at home lol, I really hope you get better soon and keep your chin up glad you are staying positive i know it hard :) :hug:

Sorry need to shoot off i am at work oops lol
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Yeah he comes in handy for some things! Lol. He's working 12 hours today, feeling a bit lonely.

I'm lucky I didn't tell anyone, it would have been difficult telling everyone later that I'd got it wrong. Think that would have made it even harder. But I was very close to telling some friends. In future I'll make sure before I even think about telling people! I'd thought so far ahead that I was planning next year, next summer etc. Think I probably built it all up way too much in my head and should have waited a while before I got excited.
Yeah he comes in handy for some things! Lol. He's working 12 hours today, feeling a bit lonely.

I'm lucky I didn't tell anyone, it would have been difficult telling everyone later that I'd got it wrong. Think that would have made it even harder. But I was very close to telling some friends. In future I'll make sure before I even think about telling people! I'd thought so far ahead that I was planning next year, next summer etc. Think I probably built it all up way too much in my head and should have waited a while before I got excited.

I hate the 12 hour shifts i am on for 14 hours today and tomorrow it sucks lol and i am missing this nice weather as well, it prob rain when i get a day off :lol:

I think we all do that sit and make plans and what we are going to do, It is really tough. I must admit though even though i lost my little one i have become more desperate to become pregnant again, it not to replace whta i have lost but made me realise how much i wanted another baby and it did not even cross my mind before.
Ouch 14 hours! lol

Hmm I'm not sure. We weren't trying. But for a while we haven't exactly been careful either. But we had decided that it probably would be better if we waited a while. But it's OK if I do get pregnant. But I don't really want to try just yet purely for selfish reasons really. We can definately support a baby. But there's things I want to do first too. Things aren't working out with my career choice at the moment and I'm hoping to go back to college after the summer. If I were pregnant I'd have to put that on hold (at least after a while anyway), continue as I am then wait till the baby is a bit older. And there's lots we've planning which we haven't got round to doing yet which we wouldn't be able to do with a baby.

All selfish reasons. Which makes me feel bad because there's so many people who are WTT but can't affort to have a baby or whatever. But we can and we're choosing not to right now because of selfish reasons. And that sets me off thinking that this is my fault because I didn't want it bad enough or something, ridiculous because I know that doesn't cause chemical pregnancies or miscarriages. This is just something that wasn't meant to be right now. But I still feel like it's because I'm being selfish. I would have loved this "baby" more than anything in the world. But before I selfishly didn't want it. Feels like I'm being punished for something.

Ahh I don't know! Guess I need some time to calm down and stop thinking about everything so much.

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