A.I anyone??


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Hi girls
I know I've only been trying for 10 months so not LTTTC but thought I may get more responses in here iykwim.

Anybody using or used A.I??
If so, any hints or tips? Did you use a softcup or similar? Do you actually use a turkery baster?

Help!!! xxx
Thanks hun, hopefully she'll be about soon and see this thread xx
not used it but i think you buy a kit online to use not a baster lol. i watched a surrogate programme and they did AI with a kit she got on net.

you can get them on ebay i think
I tried AI a few times with a few different methods.

I tried a soft cup, i tried a catheter and i tried a condom :oooo:

The soft cup, i found a bit pointless because it stopped the sperm falling out but it didn't protect it from the vaginal juices.

The catheter was ok i think, but it was fiddley to get into my cervix and then in theory you'd have to keep it there for a few hours.

The condom probably made the most sense to me because of the tight fit around my cervix and also protecting the sperm but it was fiddly to get it in... but i guess you could just roll it out a bit so you don't lose much sperm.

Isn't the turkey baster method for in the absense of a penis though? You have access to one of those :) Unless you think hubby will sort himself out solo more often :eh:
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hi cosmic girl, i think ai is best by using a babys medicine syringe as they have smaller tips, as for the soft cups put some preseed in it to help the sperm thats what im trying this month along with well man and women, opks and lots of bd lol xx
I do AI as i have a donor rather than partner. I actually found that a turkey baster was easier than the syringe and that the appature is wider this means that less damage occurs to the sperm with it and you can put the baster right at your cervix.
Its very simple,sterilize a small pot and the baster (boiling water will do the trick) partner puts sperm in a pot you gently suck it into baster then put baster in you and gently squeeze as close to cervix as possible. it may bubble due to the vacuum!
I read up about vaginal walls vs moon cup and i decided that the walls and ew are designed to direct sperm upward to the cervix both though chemical and physical cues, the cup is plastic and has neither of these things.
Sperm thats healthy only takes 5-10 minutes to make it so there really isnt any need to have a cup up there anyway. But stay laid down for say 30 mins.

The reserch says that an orgasm can help with the physical pulses helping sperm to the cervix and into it. So have one if you can but its not easy.


ps sperm can say alive in the jar for around 2hrs and its better to let it cool if you cant use it imediately (rather than keep it warm)

Honestly its easy , a willy only gets the sperm to your cervix after all and you are just swaping it for a baster

Give it a try and good luck
x Daisy 2011
I think it's a fab idea for you hun it can't hurt to try xxxx
Thanks ladies, deffo going to look into it, I don't know if oh will agree to it though, he's a funny bugger xx

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