a little help girls :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls its meee :) feeling a bit better in myself today but confused.

my period has been 28 days 30 days and 32 days so im not sure EXACTLY when due on, and i wasnt using opks so not sure when i ovulated. but :bd: everyday this month!!!

yesterday was 28days so its not that cycle this month lol but on saturday i had back ache n what i thought was period pains, when i got home i felt my cervix to find some mucus with like a streak of blood in it, i thought it was here....

its now monday no period or pains, cervix is so high i can hardy reach it but it feels a bit open i think ( im not too good at knowing it open to closed)

oh and my boobs hurt like hell too. i did a test today only an answer one which i thought was from 4 days before, turns out it was on the day of your missed AF and was negative, it wasnt fmu either...

any help would be great girls :) thanx minxie x x
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I would probally try taking a test with your fmu, that way its less concentrated and will give you a clearer result.
Your symptoms sound like they could be preg symptoms but af symptoms are so similar sometimes its hard to distiguish between them. With you already having a LO your cervix will always be slightly open.
Hope you get the result that you want hunny x x

thankyou huny :) i dont know what to think i might try fr tomorrow with FMU as tomorrow will be cd30 longest ever is 32days so it will only be 2 days before af due, my cycles have been varying from 28, to 30 to 32 over the past 4 cycles so im not sure u see. x x
Even if your normal cycle is between 28-32 days, implantation may of happened quite late if this is the case then it might not show up on a test yet. Have you got any cheapies? If you have maybe try a cheapy tomorrow with you fmu and if still a bfn wait a few days and if still not af try your fr x x

iv got no cheapies huny :(
yeah i had that pain and bleedinf friday/saturday so would it be to early to show up on a test??
im just going to buy a FR and try it as the EX OH is buying it not me.....its his fult as much as mine lol x x
They say to try taking a test a week after any signs of implantation but i supose that depends on what tests you use. Id make him buy a few just incase x x


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