A rebellious post...

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I have been um-ing and ah-ing about whether or not I should write this post – but as somebody a lot wiser than me (E. Burke) has quite rightly pointed out that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, I have decided to open my big mouth after all... Not that I expect it to achieve anything whatsoever, but still – the least it will do is ease my conscience!
I find it really shameful that an earlier post today got locked for no apparent reason whatsoever. The reason quoted was that it was one of the “forbidden” good-bye posts, but in actual fact, it wasn’t, and it wasn’t aggressive or upsetting in any way, either, so the argument doesn’t hold, as far as I’m concerned.
And even if it had been a good-bye post – so what? I find it shocking that these are not allowed, even if they are not in any way offensive. If I were a member of a mother-baby group and another regular member, who I enjoyed chatting to, all of a sudden stopped coming without so much as a good-bye I would find that extremely rude. I would feel much less annoyed if they explained their reasons for no longer keeping in touch and made the effort to say good-bye. How come this forum forces us to be rude to each other?
It seems to me that people leaving the forum is interpreted as negative feedback, and that, apparently, is something so terrifying that it has to be forbidden and, where this rule is ignored, locked and punished. How sad.
I have no doubt whatsoever that this post will imminently be locked as well – after all, it is doing the unthinkable and really giving bad feedback! – but I feel better for having spoken up anyway.
Continuing locked or removed threads elsewhere on the forum is not permitted. If a thread has been moderated, it is with good reason. Posts questioning or complaining about such actions will either be removed or closed.

Thread Closed!
You can say good-bye or say you aren't coming on as much without a completely negative attitude towards the forum and it's members. Please get your facts straight ;)

It was drama and unnecessary. Flaming/trolling is not permitted. The thread was flaming gaining an emotional response/discussion.

It's not up to you to say "so what" they are our rules and you agree to them upon joining. If you don't agree to these terms you don't join, simple really!

The only 'sadness' I see right now is your interference. Why do members think they can fight the rules, even belittle them (often with false comments) and the Admin say nothing.

I will ask you only this once to not intervene and make inaccurate statements about the running of the forum again. This thread not only does that but also breaks our rules (flaming and intentionally disruptive activity is not tolerated).

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