

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi all
I am new to this board. I'm 29 and came off the pill logynon, in April. Since then I have had 2 periods. One in July, and the second started exactly 28 days later, last Thursday. I was pleased that it arrived 28 days later when I was hoping it would, especially since it took so long to get the first one. However, what is worrying me is that this period, and the one in July, is really light. Lighter than they were when I was on the pill, and whilst it was a long time ago (about 14 years), it is lighter than I remember my old periods being. There is a lot of brown blood, and I have had bad cramps today and yesterday morning. Can anyone else relate to this? I'm worried about the brown blood and cramps because I keep reading about endometriosis. Any advice or opinions would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
if you are worried then i suggest you consult your GP, is there any other reason why you are worried about endometriosis other than the brown blood/cramps?
Hi, thanks for replying. No, there's no other reason why I suspect endemetriosis other than I am just seriously worried about why I haven't conceived! I think I'm impatient as it's only been 4 months! The pain I had was pretty bad, but I only needed to take paracetamols to get rid of it so I don't think it can be that serious. It woke me up again this morning but once I relaxed myself (without painkillers) and went back to sleep, it went away. I have been reading things on the internet that say that brown blood with cramps can mean endo, which is why I was worried. But, deep down I think it's just because I have been on the pill and it is taking some time to get out of my system. I have to go to the docs on Monday anyway, so I will raise it then - do you think I should be concerned?
well as you can see by the signature I have endo, but I didn't even know I had it until we started being investigated for infertility. Endo is a funny thing, for some people its very painful and they have lots of symptoms, for others its hardly noticeable.

My only symptoms were brown spotting at end of period and painful period cramps, but I thought both it was fairly normal.

There is no correlation between symptoms and severity either, and also endo does not always cause problems with fertility.

4 months of trying is not very long, especially if you have just come off the pill as it will take your body a while to adapt.

I'd mention the pain when you see you GP, but try not to worry it could be totally normal.
I was on the pill from 15 till I came off back in march to try for a baby... i had very painful periods and was passing out on the first day of them, which wasnt nice at all... most of my first and second day I was in bed ill.... I fell pregnant after 4 months so try not to worry, its still early days!!! :hug: :hug: if you are worried thou ask yr dr I did and he gave me some tablets to try but I never needed them cause I got my BFP :) xx
Just a thought are you doing anything to check when you are actually ovulating (or if you are ovulating)?

All that said 4 months is not long to be trying, especially having been on the pill.

So if you are not already, I would suggest you find a way that works for you to monitor ovulation, and get BD'ing a lot around ovulation.

There are lots of other things to try, such as preseed, charting, taking Evening Primrose etc that can all help with TTC.
Thanks to everyone for replying. I am going to mention the periods to my doctor tomorrow. I am sure it's normal, because cramps are, aren't they? It is still early days, and since my periods have both been really light, I am doubtful that I am ovulating but I am going to try and monitor it this month. I may buy some tests - does anyone have any idea which is the best method to use?
Thanks again, Kel
I didnt realise brown blood at the end of af could be a sign of endo.
My af changed over the years, I will get brown powder and spotting for the first hour or so, then more heavier painful periods with more clots than I used to get, then the last day is brown powder, i cant even say it's blood as it is literally like powder. Well i know it is blood but it's dry powdery.
Any ideas? Anyone else get that?

My mum has fibroids and she got heavy periods but i've never asked her about the brown before, but i know she would have really long af's and lots of clots, she was more on that off! Sometimes on 2 weeks and off a week.
Just a pointer about evening primrose oil, only take it during your period if you dont know when you ovulate, as it can cause cramping, and thats the last thing you want when ttc.

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