Am i feeding her too much?

Kelly G

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
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On Olivia's formula tin it says that at 6 months a baby should only be having 4 bottles a day! Olivia is still having 6 :shock:

Am i over feeding her? should i drop a bottle? She does seem happy with what she has and she has always been a hungry baby (feeds every 3 hours)

This is Olivia's daily routine from the past couple of weeks and it seems to be sticking!

6am - 5oz Bottle

9-9.30ish - Bottle and porrige

12-12.30ish - bottle then dinner

3-3.30ish - 5oz bottle

5-12.30ish - bottle and dinner or pudding

between 8 and 8.30 5oz bottle then bed

She isn't a huge baby she was 15lb 12 nearly 2 weeks ago and she doesn't pile it on as much now she only put on 6 oz in two weeks last time!

I am just so confused about this feeding, i dont remember Brooke being like this?

How many bottles do your LO's drink?

Sorry for all the questions im just worried im over feeding her after reading that on her formula tin!
ignore the tin hun it talks rubbish, i spent the first 6 weeks of Alfies life going by the tin and hes also a hungry baby, he cried and cried and as a 1st time mum i never knew why, so went through everything apart from more food as he couldnt be hungry hed had wat the tin said he could. then i tried him and from then on i had a happy smiley little man, your doing everything you should be doing darlin trust me if she didnt want it she wouldnt take it :hug: :hug: :hug:
my lil girl has 8oz of hungry baby milk every 3 to 4 hours x
Oh tnx guys i just read the tin last night and paniced lol!

She has been going off her dinner time bottle a bit, she doesn't seen interested and not drinking it so im wondering if she is getting ready to drop it and replace it with a pudding as well as dinner and some juice!

Im going to speak to the HV on friday!

Tnx again, I knew id be able to rely on you guys for some advice :D
Ellis has

5am 5 oz bottle (some nights)

9.30 4-5 oz and breakie (baby rice and fruit)

12.30-1pm 5 oz (but he has drop this to 2 ounces but might be cos he is ill)

4pm 5 oz bottle and dinner (veg)

6.30 5oz bed bottle

10.30 5-7 oz dream feed

hope this helps xxxxxxxxx
Just a quick update

The past week Olivia has been waking later and later yeasterday she woke at 7.15 and today 7.30 so she has only had 5 feeds in 24 hours!

The is how the past two days have worked out!

7-7.30am - 6oz Bottle and breakfast mixed with her milk

11-11.30am - 6oz Bottle and dinner

2-2.30pm - 6oz Bottle

5-5.30pm - 6oz Bottle and tea

8-8.30pm - 6oz Botttle then bed

Im hoping she carries on like this as it does work out quite well and she isnt waking for a feed between 5 and 6am which is great

My next aim is to try and get her to bad a little earlier :rotfl:

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