Am I feeding LO too much?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Will is feeding every 2.5 hours at the moment and taking 5oz each feed. He is 6 weeks tomorrow. He doesn't always finish the bottles but he demands food every 2 and a half hours, 3 hours at the most. Xx
Hey mrs,

Feeling the same way tonight!!

Sophia was and still is like this, can't get her to go any longer than 3 hours or she screams the place down! She is now on 9oz feeds every 3 hours at the most, sometimes 2 1/2 hours! She sleeps through the night though so I don't mind too much if she fills up during the day :)
Hey olive hows it going? Are u feeding that often too?

Laura thanks for your reply, when did Ur LO start sleeping thru and how did u manage it? Xx
The answer is no, you aren't feeding LO too much, its impossible, they are sick when their stomach gets over what it can handle. I'd say every 2 hours is average, Kayden still feeds every 2 hours at some points of the day.

Luckily she started sleeping through from about 11/12pm until 8/9am from 6/7 weeks, so obviously she needed to feed often in the day. I find she goes on a mad filling spree in the afternoon/early evening. What I did was got her into the routine of exactly 3 hours between feeds, I would distract her by playing with her, cuddling whatever to make the feeds stretch out a little. She soon got the hang of it and she can sometimes go 4 hours but not often. She is like clockwork every 3 hours to the minute! I find this useful for planning outings etc as at least I know when she will want feeding. She is a hungry baby though, my eldest wasn't like this she was a 4 hourly feed kinda gal :)
Hi hun,

I was thinking the same! Ella wont go more than 3 hours - she is taking between 3 and 5oz at each feed.

I know that she will only take what she wants so im not too worried, she will usually go between 4 and 6 hours through the night too xx
The answer is no, you aren't feeding LO too much, its impossible, they are sick when their stomach gets over what it can handle. I'd say every 2 hours is average, Kayden still feeds every 2 hours at some points of the day.


Thanks littlemiss, thats reassuring. So much to worry about! I was following the advice on the Aptamil box which says 5oz 6 times per day but he's doing 7, sometimes 8 bottles! Xx
Luckily she started sleeping through from about 11/12pm until 8/9am from 6/7 weeks, so obviously she needed to feed often in the day. I find she goes on a mad filling spree in the afternoon/early evening. What I did was got her into the routine of exactly 3 hours between feeds, I would distract her by playing with her, cuddling whatever to make the feeds stretch out a little. She soon got the hang of it and she can sometimes go 4 hours but not often. She is like clockwork every 3 hours to the minute! I find this useful for planning outings etc as at least I know when she will want feeding. She is a hungry baby though, my eldest wasn't like this she was a 4 hourly feed kinda gal :)

I might try this technique as 3 hours seems about right, hard when he's screaming the place down tho xx
The answer is no, you aren't feeding LO too much, its impossible, they are sick when their stomach gets over what it can handle. I'd say every 2 hours is average, Kayden still feeds every 2 hours at some points of the day.


Thanks littlemiss, thats reassuring. So much to worry about! I was following the advice on the Aptamil box which says 5oz 6 times per day but he's doing 7, sometimes 8 bottles! Xx

We're using Aptamil as well Sarah. 1-2 weeks old is under his weight though on the box. It's hard to know what's right isn't it? I find that if he guzzles a lot and I can't get good burps out of him, I have to stay up and watch him for a while as am worried he'll be sick in his moses basket.xx
Jax is still feeding lots in the day, every 2 hours to 2.5 hours unless he falls into a deep, long sleep which is not very often. He'll only take 5oz max occasionally but more often its only 3oz. I asked the hv if it was something I was doing and she said no, he's just got a small tummy. At night he goes about 5 hours at first and then every 3 hours after that. Although the last couple of days he's gone longer and only woken for one feed between 7pm and 6am :)

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The answer is no, you aren't feeding LO too much, its impossible, they are sick when their stomach gets over what it can handle. I'd say every 2 hours is average, Kayden still feeds every 2 hours at some points of the day.


Thanks littlemiss, thats reassuring. So much to worry about! I was following the advice on the Aptamil box which says 5oz 6 times per day but he's doing 7, sometimes 8 bottles! Xx

Kayden has never took his bottles in line with the Aptamil guidence on the back. I think thats just a rough guide. Literally every baby is different with the amt they can handle.

O varies from 2-3 hours to 5 hrs between feeds! Agree every baby is different and the box is a guide if he is hungry then feed him x

He goes anything from 2 to 5 hours and is demand fed. Feeds a lot more during the evenings than in the day though x
He is still young though Sarah every baby is different and whatnot says in the box is only a guide most practitioners say up an oz a week so by 6 weeks should be taking 6 oz but its still only a guide always go by your baby who better to tell you if they are hungry or not and he will bring up what he doesn't want xxx
He is still young though Sarah every baby is different and whatnot says in the box is only a guide most practitioners say up an oz a week so by 6 weeks should be taking 6 oz but its still only a guide always go by your baby who better to tell you if they are hungry or not and he will bring up what he doesn't want xxx

Thanks vics, I was wondering whether there was a guide such as an oz per week etc. Xx
It's just a guide but William will tell you when he's ready to go up an oz and when he needs feeding again he's your beat guide through all this :) xx
approx how much does he weigh pos?

just because a general guide is weight x 2.5-2.7 i.e a 9lb baby would need approx 22.5oz in 24 hours as 9x2.5 = 22.5. sometimes though babies will take more or less than this as its just a guide but i found it helpful to know if baby was getting the right amount.
Laura it's funny you ask, this was the reason I made the thread! I read that online, he weighs approx 10lbs now so should have 25 oz per day but is having 30-35 :shock: xx

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