Amber teething necklaces are the don!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Just letting people know who want to try or don't know whether to-amber teething necklaces really do work I reckon!

My lo has had one since she was born and at almost 1 years old, she has finally cut 4 teeth, and not once has she moaned, dribbled, needed any teething gel or calool, nothing. No teething complaints whatsoever.

I strongly believe that's down to the necklace! How many babies do you know that don't dribble or get sore hands from chewing on them from teething? Pretty much all of them! I paid 6 quid for it on eBay and fully believe its money we'll spent :)
My step sister had them for my nephew and at first I thought how can they possibly work, but they just did!!! I'm seriously thinking I will get a set for my lo!

Congratulations xx
I keep hearing people talking about these, what are they? Do you have a photo or anything? Xx
You'd never believe they work but somehow they do! My LO will be getting a set thats for sure. If I mid rightly my nephew had them on from 2 months old and he was never bothered at all. xx
We have a necklace and an ankle bracelet that is kept on all the time... and they are really good!

We were really sceptical at first thinking how the hell can a necklace help BUT apart from the odd winge we havent had any tears... just red cheeks and a lot of chewing on stuff! So Francesca is either handling it very well (she gets this from her dad as im a right wimp) or the amber is working...

For the person who asked what it does, its basically sap from a tree and when 'recharged' in sunlight, it helps to heal and brings infections and pain out of the body... the sunlight activates something in the sap which helps do this! The closer to the cause of pain the amber is, the more it works!

I also heard of a clear crystal (im not sure of the name) but we lost our little girls anklet and before we got the new one delivered, i tried this clear crystal which i had to wear so it could draw out my energy and then put it on my little girl... we had tears... right until we put the amber back on!!
What age did your little girls start wearing them?? I am keen to get some. My 7 month old nephew seems to be bothered at the moment but he hasn't got a set. Is it worth starting him on a set now or too late??

Thanks xx
My LG has had them from about 3 months and only wore the necklace in the day and the anklet at night now she wears both constantly...

i dont think its too late for you LB to wear them!

I got them from a girl on Facebook - All Things Amber shes called Kelly...
Great thanks - will see if I can get some for my nephew. Poor wee man is so happy all the time but screams in pain for no reason - can onoy be his teeth. Its worth a try. I will defo be having them for my little person as they helped my biggest nephew so much. He never had a sore mouth, red cheek nor did he dribble constantly like some other children. My SIL lives in Switzerland and they are so common there - everyone swears by them. xx
I got them on the basis that if they didnt work they still look nice, but we couldnt do without them now! I wouldnt even want to try without!! Hope they work for you :)

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