AMG this is all we need


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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We had a letter today off our landlord, they will not be renewing our tenancy which ends on the 1st feb (2 days notice) all because we fell behin just a week of 120 quid, so we may be homeless soon.
OMG honey thats terrible :( Surely you've got rights, especially being pregnant?
they have to give you two months notice REGARDLESS of when your tenancy ends. Even if you dont pay or whatever im sure you get the two months.

first think in the morning ring CAB
yes they have to give you more notice than that, they can't just give you a few days notice at all, just don't let him in until you find elsewhere, some people are horrible, hope you find somewhere :hug: :hug:
Omg thats terrible surely they should give you plenty of notice .........
Does it say on your tenancy agreement how much notice you should be given. Thats a little too soon.... :eek:

I'm sure there is a minimum.. by law there must be. Have a look at tenants rights. Are you private or housing association or council?

I'm sorry I cant be much help.. we pay our rent 6 months in advance and havent (yet) missed a payment so we have no probs with our landlord..

try this website hun..

speaking from experience, your landlord has to give you 2 months notice and he has to hand it to you personally, so he cant just post it to you. this is regardless of the date your tenancy ends.

hope this helps
Totally agree - two months is required as far as I am aware. Might be worth speaking to cit' advice about it so you know exactly were you stand.

Best of luck. :hug:
i think we have 4 weeks notice after the 1st. its private rented. I think they have gone and sold the house and using the 120 as an excuse we havnt missed a payment just missed one week coz of a 5 week month.
makes you wonder!!! you will have rights all the same.
we were private renting too, all tenancy argreements state that the landlord or tenant has to give 2months notice of moving, it doesnt matter if theyve sold the house, theyre still under an agreement, id talk 2 CAB cuz i dnt think they can use your missing one payment as an excuse, it has to be 3 concecutive months
The cab office over ere is appointments only...obviously they cant kick us out until they get a court order anyway which may go against us when getting another place thas why i dont want to go down that route.

Thanx for all the advice will let you kno how we go....lovly start to the new year huh lol
mummy_ov_2 is right.. they cant use the missed payment as an excuse, it has to be a reoccurring thing in order for them to evict you and if tey dont wanty to continue the tenancy with you for any reason they have to give you two months. Speak to your local CAB they will definately sort something out for you. You can't be expected to leave. Try not to stress about it and know that you are in the right, your landlord is being an arse.. you'll get it sorted if you speak to Shelter or CAB hun :hug:
Oh my god that's horrible! You need more notice than that! You're entitled to at least a month and you have to give a month as well...I'd get your tenancy agreement out and see what it says! xxx
We have decided they not gettin another penny from us after treating us this way so we gonna move in with his mum until we can find a new place, save us some money too :)
Even if no agreement your landlord has to give min 2 months notice. This has to on on before day rent due, so if you pay 5th of each month for example, and they want to give notice on 6th, they would have to either wait or give nearly 3 months.
Legally, they cannot begin eviction process unless it is end of your tenancy or you are 2 months of more behind with rent. They cannot ask you to leave mid-agreement.
If you refuse to leave, landlord can evict you but his will take up to three months.
That's bad, are you just upping and going then? Don't you have a deposit with them?

They can't do that regardless of whether its private or not.
i do have a bond with them but not sure if i will lose that because we are behind a week, we will cover our bases befor we leave but we are a months in advance with rent so our final month is paid for. We will be moving out in bout 3 weeks rather do it now than stress for the next few months when il be a big fat hippo lol
I am a landlady and ours is 28 days notice within the specified lease period.
Check your tenancy agreement CAREFULLY.

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