And then there were 2 :)

Aww your old health visitor sounds lovely...and a man too...ya dont see that very often do ya :) xx
Had the worst night to date with my mini princess last night! I went up to bed at half 10 as i was cream crackered, she was still sleeping. She woke at midnight for her first feed, which is normal (anything between 11-12 is normal) i expected her to wake at 3am as usual, but nope, it was 1:50am when she woke for her next feed and she didnt go back to sleep until after 3:30am, she was constantly feeding, she would take an oz, doze off, as soon as i put her back down, eyes were back open, mouth going ten to the dozen for a feed so i would feed her again...another oz and back to sleep, she was like this for the duration and went through 6oz of milk!! Finally got her down just after half 3, and she woke again at 4:30am and then again at 5:30am...needless to say i am absolutely foooooked! And now little miss is happily pushing some z's out in her swing while i'm sat here getting Elise ready for school etc looking like a zombie :sleep: OH has to go into work today for a meeting, they are trying to say he is not entitled to paternity leave/pay as baby wasnt born on her due date and her due date (1st July) is when he would qualify for paternity...yet acas have told him that to qualify they dont go on when the baby is born they go by the due date so he's disputing their while he's out and Elise is at school i'm gonna nap when Lexi naps and try and catch up on some of those missed z's! bugger the housework can wait!

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Strange i had a long night from hell too. He was awake and screaming from 1 till 6 feeding oddly like yours and just wouldn't settle x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
wondering if its down to a growth spurt or something at this stage?!? very weird how yours was the same, even when Lexi did go down she was whinging in her sleep...never felt so tired and zombified in all my life lol...i've been having little naps throughout the morning and feel a bit better now at least!

Yeah i think i have another colicky baby to be honest Leo was so bad with it so going grab some stuff for it today. I managed to grab an hour or two on settee this morning only good thing was Leo was awake last night from the crying from Elliott so he slept in till nine which was a nice break x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
My mum thinks its the weather as its hot cold and wet all at the same time x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
Aww your old health visitor sounds lovely...and a man too...ya dont see that very often do ya :) xx

Yeah he is lovely and good looking too lol. Since he is in his forties Haha. He had a little boy about same time as Leo and he is a little ginger so cute.

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
ahh could be the weather hun. Also, i'm using those dr browns bottles and up to press Lexi hasnt been colicky, she gets her wind up really easily too :) hope it stays that way lol! bet it was nice Leo having a lie in lol :) x
Another not so good night...although it was better than the previous night, took missus to bed at 11:30 where she woke almost instantly for a feed...then she was awake at 1:50am and cluster fed up until 3am, then she woke at 4am and has slept since fact my alarm went off to get Elise up for school and mini princess is still snoozing so i've left her upstairs with her daddy :) i'm hoping that this phase is a growth spurt and if it is i hope it only lasts the 2-3 days they say they last as that means tonight we should have her back to her normal self...really really crossing my fingers, i need some sleep at least :lol:

:yay: seems Elexis's growth spurt has finally ended (for now) we had a decent nights sleep last night thank God! she woke at 10:40pm for a feed and then didnt wake then until 2am, then she woke at 4:30am and then 6:30am...she's still asleep atm where as i'm up having a coffee with my big girl :) hope last night wasnt a one of :lol:

We have a birthday party to go to today too, its one of Elises friends, but its Elexis's first party bless her, i've roped OH into coming to help out, not used to have 2 little girls just yet hehe! But before that were going to visit my Gran as she hasnt seen Elexis yet :) so that'll be nice! So it seems we have quite a busy day today!

Glad to hear you had a good night. Has the weather been good for you too had some sunshine today x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
didn't have such a good night last night though haha, guess i cant expect her to get into a routine and sleep well every night lol. She started well, woke at 10:30pm for a feed then went until 1:30, then 2:30, then 4:30 and 5:30...which is when i got up, fed her downstairs then got my head down on the sofa when she fell asleep and we woke at 8:30am.
Maybe yesterday messed with her body clock so to speak, as we went to a kids party and she slept through all the noise and just woke towards the end for a feed and nappy change! After the party my brother rang and asked if we wanted to meet them at their local for a few drinks in the beer garden as we finally had some sun :yay: although that was short lived and it piddled it down no sooner had we sat in the beer garden! That WMC shut not long after we had got their so went up to our local and chilled in there with my bro his partner, my dad and his was a lovely afternoon and Lexi just slept the whole day just waking every now and again for feeds! When we got home, She was really restless, nothing was soothing her, she was mouthing for the bottle but whinging when i put the teat in her mouth then after an hour and half of this she projectiled all over :sick: instantly wanted another feed then fell asleep...again! so i think all in all she slept for too long yesterday!

This morning shes been restless again so i hope were not gonna get another barfathon! She's just took 5oz straight off and still mouthing for the bottle :shock: kids!!! haha!

My son seems to be like this mouthing for a bottle still after he has had nearly 5 oz. He keeps sicking up bits so don't want to keep giving him milk to chuck back up. I had a better night than you though he woke at half one than had me awake till half three than woke up at half seven x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Glad you had a decent night with Elliott hun :yay:

Elexis has been really sicky today, usually just bits but we've had one episode where she barfed quite a lot of milk out all over me :sick: nice one Lex haha! So she's had a nice bath at 6pm and didnt go to sleep while 8:30pm and then i had to rock her as she was been properly whingey, really hoping she was just over tired and not colicky...i'm doing everything i can to prevent colic so i will be flummoxed if it is that grr...fingers crossed and fingers crossed because she has had a few long awake moments today that she has a good night for me tonight...pretty please :D

Sounds promising i got mine awake and drank 6oz and been sick a little and still got wind lol keeps smiling at me x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
No such luck with the good night last night :( Elexis fed at 11pm, then 12:30am, then again at 2:30am then 3:30am...4:30am...5:30am Zzzzzzzz! I was more aware of her last night though as when i gave her her 12:30 feed she kept stopping breathing while taking the bottle...which ok, is normal the once, but she kept on doing it...even after i had given her her was like she kept forgetting to breathe and it bloody well scared me senseless so i think after that i didnt sleep much between her feed as i was too busy listening out for her! Poor OH didnt sleep well either and he had to be up at 5:30am for work poor guy!

Today is gonna be the first day that i do the school run with Lexi and spend the whole day alone with her...eeeek! I'm sure we will do just fine...may try and catch up on a little sleep and get a few power naps in...i'll leave the housework until OH gets home from work i think!

Wow does she settle between feeds though as i am finding Elliott doesn't much i had to put him go his swing to settle him as he just wouldn't bring his wind up x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
yeah she usually settles, sometimes she will be mouthing for the bottle for a good hour to two hours and then i'm constantly getting her in and out of her moses basket but that usually happens just the once in the night and usually the first feed, after that shes straight down for the other feeds! Lexi seems to settle nicely in her swing too :D its where she naps most of the day xx
stressed this morning...although Lexi had a good night (11:30, 2:30, 4:30) both my princesses have woke up grouchy as hell...Elise is just plain moody this morning and back chatting, not doing as she's told and generally just been a typical 5 year old and Elexis is having a good clear out of the lungs and doing lots of whinging...thinking shes trying to poo as she's passing lots of bottom burps but still...wish she would just get used to the sesation instead of screaming so much when shes trying to push it out, poor kid, i feel so helpless for her! Problem being when shes trying to push one put she always wants feeding at the same time, i think its comforting for her as tbh shes just had 4oz before the crying began! Oh the joys...and this weather dont flaming help...seriously dont think were gonna get a summer this year let the online shopping commence as Elexis hasnt got anything to wear for this crappy weather hardly...all summer dresses and short sleeved tops etc...hasnt even got a coat as such! Grr!!

Think its just gonna be one of those days today!

Elliott is the same feeds to dump most of the time x i had a long night as he wouldn't settle for ages and then my other son woke up early again x must be the weather so minging for me so dread to think how little babies cope x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x

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