Any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Hi everyone - wonder if you could shed any light on the following!:

Since about thursday last week Heidi has been very grizzly between feeds. In fact during the whole period of her being awake she is either feeding or crying. She's just not herself so I took her docs on Friday cos I thought it was constipation cos I knew she hadnt been for 2 days. Anyway Doc couldnt really find anything wrong and shortly after she went for a No. 2 :oops: - so I dont think its that.

Its weird - her tummy also makes lots of noises and for the last two days she has been coughing as well. In short her symptons are:

1. Pushing / straining like she needs a poo but it wont come out (her little face goes all red)
2. Coughing - this started Friday after giving her gripe water (but I wouldnt of thought she would still be coughing now?
3. Crying - only stopping when you pick her up and soothe her (and even then she will do the odd whinge) and obviously when she's feeding.

I dont think its colic cos she doesnt scream and scream all night - although she does bring her knees up. Could all this possibly be just wind?

Would you go back Docs?

L x
doctors do my headin to be honest the amount of times i have took my daughter when i no there is something wrong and they make out its all in my head...

when she is laying down and crying does she arch her back? thats usually the big sign of wind?

if u think she is struggeling to go for a pooh try a pinch of suger in a bottle of cool boiled water my hv advised me to do it with Dior helped loads or a dribble of apple juice in her water
Thanks Dionne

Yeah, she does arch her back a bit and I gave her some cooled boiled water yesterday which she drank really well. The doc also advised sugar in the water too!

Its horrible though cos I sat there and thought I sounded like a complete worrier - but they cant tell us whats wrong and I just know she is different to normal :wall:

L x
could just be a lil tummy upset hopefully it will pass.
poor lil thing, i hate it when Dior is poorly, she has had a terrible cold recently so i just give her plenty of calpol and get her to sleep through it

yh i sugest u carry on with the water then nice and refreshing for her if she got a upset tummy
Rubie went through this a couple of weeks ago, and still occasionally now. She would be really unsettled/whingy and behaving exactly the way you are describing. My HV said it could be colic even though she wasnt screaming all night. She was also constipated and I gave her some prune juice diluted with boiled water. Since she has been having this she has done plenty of poo's and no longer seems unsettled. I think it was trapped wind/constipation, so plenty of fluids, either plain water or water with apple/prume/sugar should help her.
If she's bringing her knees up it's tummy ache of some sort,
trapped wind, constipation or tummy bug.

Hope shes ok :D
have any of u ever had trapped wind????

lastnight i drank a huge bottle of coke with my dinner and i couldnt burp, the pain was awful didnt realise trapped wind was soo sore then as i finaly burped it hurt, poor lil babies must really hurt and scare them
I must admit I've never suffered with trapped wind - sounds like it is pretty painful.

Maybe I will keep going with the sugar water then - to be honest once she had done a really good poo I stopped giving her water - maybe I need to carry on (and I will add a bit of sugar this time too) - give her a good clearout.

thanks for your replies - it helps loads. I had 3 hours sleep last night because of it which meant yet another argument with D/H (cos I'm like that when I've had no sleep :evil: lol)

L x
Lisa, just a thought... is gripe water ok to give to our little ones??? :think:

Maheen suffered from colic and when I went to buy something to help her, Gripe water was a no-no, coz it's only ok for 2 months old and above!!!
So i took Infacol instead,..which she loves taking and fennel tea...have already talked about this magic herbal te somewhere!

So, maybe the grip water has upset her tummy?

anybody else can shed some light on this?

take care,
mel xx
I thought it was ok to use gripe water from one month on?
yh it is ok im sure, i tryed gripe water once with Dior made her worse, i heard that it gives them more wind to help them bring burp up...

like when i need a burp but cant i have a drink of fizzy pop to help me burp i heard its the same with gripe water?
Ohhhhh I thought you could use gripe water from one month old? :doh:

THinking about it she has been worse since the gripe water so Im not giving her that again (she hasnt stopped coughing since we gave her that - and that bothers me too)

Does anyone know how much sugar to put in the water? The Doctor said a tablespoon - but a tablespoon to how many parts water?!???! Does anyone know?!

L x
i was told a pinch of suger to every ounce
It is defo 1 month for gripe water, i had a look in superdrug today!
oh really???????? :shock:

I was pretty sure I had read 2 months!!!
sorry to have given wrong info, then! :doh:

mel xx
No worries Melhoney !- I'm not going to bother using it again anyway - shes still coughing away :? :(

Thanks girls

L x
I was told a teaspoon of sugar in a small bottle i just out 4 ounces of water, i was told brown sugar.

Thats odd my bottle of gripe water says its okay from birth.
New born 2.5ml
1-6months 5ml ect.
Wierd , ive given it to Kiara starting at about 2 weeks and she was fine but it never worked and it still dont.
Oh and the pharmacy lady had told me it was ok for her age cuz i had no idea and she said it was fine??
Thats strange! My bottle definatley says from 1 month.! :shock:

Ho well - like you Saulino I'm not going to bother using it again!

L x
Might be different make , things from the uk that you can give from birth are from different ages over here oh and different amounts.

Calpol is a full droplet in UK over here it's 0.2ml thats about 2 small drops :shock:

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