Any young moms to be / moms on here

I'm 24 and mum of two (Rhys age 5 and Ffion age 4)
hiya girls im 23 and had my son at 16, and my little girl is 8 months now so had her at 22.
i was very young and even the nurse told me to have an abortion but i wouldnt dream of it, most of my old friends i dont talk to anymore as they went off to live there lives while i was pregnant with my first. so i dont really talk to girls my age mosg of themare much older so its nice to see some young mummies :)
I dont have no girlie friends really either :/ lol
They all just became so bitchy
In 24 with 2 kiddies, Brooke who is 5 and Charlie is nearly 11 months
Im 18 with a 19 month old and due another little boy 21st September x
i dont know why my mates became so distant and bitchy as they now all have kids anyway i was just a bit younger than them! iv been to college and plan on going back to college when lacie is a little bit older so i havent missed out on much really! i supose its because i cant go out drinking or anything anymore like they do!
Yeahh ..
Tbh the drinking going out side has never really bothered me that much.. At the same time as ppl being bitchy ive had girls who would never talk to me all of a sudden want to go shopping or for food and im like buttttt u never wanted to no me :/ whats chnged?! Lol
I get where your coming from completly :) x
I wish people my age weren't so obsessed with going out getting pissed! It seems like I miss out because I can't drink anymore!! It doesn't bother me not being able to drink but I don't like being left out because of it!! :( x
i dont drink and havent since july 2010, its through ttc and then wanting to enjoy my baby and young son. im going to a wedding in 2 weeks and might have a glass of wine but that will be it for me. i get hangovers too bad and i wouldnt be in any fit state to look after myself never mind two children and lacie is a mummys girl atm so it would be a disaster! im happy with my bedtime routine, my slippers and a cup of tea :)
besides im far too exhausted to even think of staying up untill 2am partying!! ( i sound like my mum aahhhhh)
I feel so lelft out bwcause of all the drinking other people my age do. I liked a glass of wine very now amd again but I didnt drink loads before prwgnancy. My OH enjoys a bottle of cidar on a night and his family are big drinkers so I dont really fit in with them on family meals and stuff. Even my midwife looked shocked qhenbi told her I didnt drink all that much
I'm both a young m,um and a young mum to be! Lol. I fell pregnant with Francesca in November 2010, 2 months after my 18th birthday. She was born in the August before I turned 19 (in the september). During the week I got a BFP and am pregnant with number 2! I'll be 20 this year :) xx
Im 19.. oh is 20& engaged to my oh of two years been living together for a year but oneones said anything about marriage to me probz coz i look so young :S . I have also found old friends seem distant since iv been pregnant probz as they like to go out drinking & Donnt know what to say to me now :( I'm a lot more grown up for my age than most 19year olds I know & Donnt care about going out drinking ..

But sooo Cannt wait for are little boy to be born & even nice that his due in Oct when me & my partner will have been together for two year & a half :D

Hope everyones enjoying their pregnancys & bubbas :)
Im 22 with Alice our 5 month old girl :)

Iv'e been married to DH just over 2 years we have been together just over 7 years

I find the opposite with me ill say 'my husband ....' and ill get 'your so young to be married!'

Personally i love been married i always knew i wanted to get married before i had children (not religious just what i wanted) and im so glad i did because i don't think i could spend the money on the wedding when there is always something Alice needs more, very happy we did it before the babies.

We where engaged about 3 years but then my mum got ill, my auntie got cancer, his mum had heart attack so we got married after 5 years together so everyone could be there and happy.

Both our parents are fine now but unfortunately my Auntie passed away when i was 7 month pregnant. But everyone has happy memories of the wedding because everyone was there and happy ifykwim.

Dont get me wrong marriage isn't for everyone but it was a personal choice for us - Dh said 'i would marry her tomorrow if i could' the first week we where together lol.

Planning baby number two now, took a year to get our BFP with Alice (Planned) i know im a young mum but i think because i have been in a long relationship since 15 and living together since 17 i have had to grow up quicker anyway lol xx
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