Anya Willow 13th May 2017

The pic isn't that good its sort if raised and bumpy lots of little bumps. That pic is taken 30 min after taking plaster if after she had a bath and git dry etc.
Hmm bleeding again and really sore in my uterus area but not like period crampy pains like a sharp bruise. So far
May 13th birth
June 12th stop bleeding
July 1st start bleeding (af?)
July 5th stop bleeding
July 12th bleeding again (wtf?) Lol
My first few periods were really close together xx

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What the heck is up with that lol. I'm exclusively breastfeeding as well some people don't see their periods for months when ebf I get 2 in 3 weeks! Lol just my luck. I can't use hormonal contraceptive's either. I just wanna do it without the risk of pregnancy lol when I was pregnant I didn't want it now I don't want to get pregnant it's all I want lol Silly body!
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Lol that is early for exclusively bfing isn't it!! Might have to use condoms haha...orrrr have another? :D

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Lol I'm not having more the birth was far too traumatic lol! I think I'm going to call the doc tomorrow as I've got this weird pain and after going to pee just now the blood smells bad. I think I may have an infection?
oooh yeah you may do! Def worth seeing the doc. I did think the after birth blood smelt weird for ages though lol and I kept getting lots of strange pains too xx

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Not to be blunt or tmi but it erm. .. it smells like poo :sick:
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I'm used to af smelling metallic but that makes sense now after finding out I load iron lol
Kinda neglected this A bit but she's 10 weeks today. Where does the time go!
She loves her swing nappy changes and baths still. Especially hair and face washes! Nappy changes we do purely for fun. Never seen a baby look so happy at a nappy before. If she catches sight of them she wants a change whether she needs one or not so I'm happy to discover how good sainsbury own brand are as otherwise pampers would have bankrupted me!
We put her on her brothers old noisy playmat thing today to see if that makes her enjoy tummy time. It didn't but she was in awe at the mat and if someone stood on it and it made noise! She seemed so transfixed by it. Glad I saved it now. And glad she's starting to take an interest in "baby" things now lol.
So we're going back through the sick phase hope it stays that way as a phase! So nervous of the monster sicks after what we went through with my son. 6 poops 2 monster sicks yesterday. 2 monster sicks 1 poop so far today.....
In other news I'm now on a job hunt. I've decided I don't like what I do anymore. Just now need to decide what I do want to do.....
So back to ad again.
Anya slept through last night and tonight I woke her for feeds but she just dream fed small amounts.
She got a tummy virus which is giving her the runs and spinach poop lol and a poorly bacterial conjunctivitis eye and eyedrops poor sausage!
I'm having 3 fillings tomorrow oh no!
My hips are still bad and getting around is touch I can't imagine doing my job right now but im not far from the end if my mat leave!
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I've now got dates for all but 1 of my appointments. Anya is doing great on the 25th percentile line. She's such a beauty I can't believe she has my genes in her! Red hair and little dimples they must be hidden somewhere deep down in our genes. I think she's starting to teeth now as well. My mat leave is nearly at an end booooooo!
I'm going to try a work from home job when the time comes I can leave. I'd love to be a photographer but that's a pipe dream really! I've also started going back fro. All my posts to write a diary of her time as a bump and her first far I'm up to the 12 week scan still feels like yesterday. We discussed having more but couldmy go through it all again. There's fa too much in the con list than the pro list of having more kids. So it's bye bye to my child baring years which after big pregnant for so long including all my misses feels strange!


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Lol sideways and upside down I'll maybe sort that out later lol
She is a real little beauty isn't she xx
Every child is a beauty in their mothers eyes x but it's still nice to have your little angel be complimented too teehee. I still don't know what to say when ppl say "isn't she cute" ovens to go with thank you but it's not like I had any say in thematter lol. After all this time I wouldn't have cared what my rainbow looked like but it is nice to have a cute one lol. All is may mummies have been blessed really! Makes our struggles that little bit more sweeter. X

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