anyone alse crazy enough to be dreaming of twins?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I had an afternood nap taday and was dreaming that we had out first U/s.
There was two babies in there :shock: how amazing would that be! :D i think it was because OH was mentioning that it already looks like i have swallowed a football and that my jeans were too small so i dragged out my maternity pants and long strechy vests at such an early stage. its been a scorcher here today and so iv been wearing very little so its very noticable already. being pregnant makes me so happy :D OHs grandma is a twin it runs in his family but i dont think the fathers side makes a difference does it? :think:
I think (from what my friend who has twins told me) that twins come from the mothers side. BUT, only if they are non-identical. This is because non-identical twins happen when two eggs are released and both fertilised, so mum has got to be gentically predisposed to releasing 2 eggs. However, identical twins happen when the egg splits, which is just a 'freak of nature' as my friend so lovingly put it!! :lol: I think that's it anyway - but correct me if I'm wrong! No dreams about twins for me. Having had a close friend with them, the thought scares me to death. VERY hard work!! :)
funny you should say that i suspect i could be having twins lol i am only 4 wks and my jeans are tight on me already then again this is my 3rd child so mabe that's why lol twins run in my partners side too but i think it does count a bit but it's more of a chance if it runs in the womans side lol good luck do you have a date for your scan yet?
I love the idea of twins but it would be such hard work in reality I'd prefer to just be having 1. Having said that if it was to happen I know I'd cope... I'd just rather have 1 at a time! (I have no history of twins anywhere in mine or OH's families so very very unlikely anyway!).
Ha! I had the same dream! Well obviously not the same but I had twin boys, twins kinda run in my family, and the tribe my mums from in Africa they actually did a twin study there :?
millie15 said:
I think (from what my friend who has twins told me) that twins come from the mothers side. BUT, only if they are non-identical. This is because non-identical twins happen when two eggs are released and both fertilised, so mum has got to be gentically predisposed to releasing 2 eggs. However, identical twins happen when the egg splits, which is just a 'freak of nature' as my friend so lovingly put it!! :lol: I think that's it anyway - but correct me if I'm wrong! No dreams about twins for me. Having had a close friend with them, the thought scares me to death. VERY hard work!! :)

Your exactly right!! Thats the biology of it lol!
My OH has identical twins! Noooooo thanks lol I will stick to one hahaha
wow. soo exiting. no i havnt got my dete sat yet, i will book monday when i get my resutls from the blood lab :D im not worried though as i spent my night/morning with my head down the toilet :rotfl: tasty! :puke:
wow so Lea, im guessing on twins for you.. you have three bubbies, the twin factor increases after 2 or more :rotfl: :rotfl:
id love twins it would be hard work but i think the experience would be amazing.
No History of twins so highly unlikely.
Im still thinking double
Elle'sMumy said:
wow so Lea, im guessing on twins for you.. you have three bubbies, the twin factor increases after 2 or more :rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG dont say that!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: haha that means I would have 5 kids? Then I would have to have another one to get even numbers lmao!!

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