Anyone been back at hospital?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Well after being rushed to casulty and now being rushed into hospital again I am stuck in hospital with this mastitis and it being so painful, waiting for ages for a surgeon to come and assess me to see if that's what is going to happen, get it drained because I can't express it being so painful, was just wondering if any you girls have been through anything similar and how you coped in general? And how you coped being away from your baby? Even after just one whole day I feel like I lost my connection with her a bit already, just going through a damn tough time right now! Any advice? Xx
Hey hun

First of all big :hug:

Second, I haven't been in the same position Hun but at least you are in the best place to get help - I hope they can relieve some of your pain soon.

Third, can you have little one qt hospital with you? Either to stay or at least to visit with oh? Its v important that you maintain your bond so tell the drs etc how you are feeling and see what can be done.

Hope I've helped a bit didn't want to read and run - keep us posted xx
I haven't been in this situation either hun. But I was in a few years ago for 2 weeks and I was a WRECK brig away from my daughter, and she was nearly 2!! So I can't imagine how you feel.
I think the same as jodie. Tell the docs exactly how u feel, some hospitals would let u have baby with u xx
Hope you get better soon Crimson! I was readmitted for 8 days, due to serious infection after my c section. I was taken back to the maternity hospital so was able to have Asher in with me - it was bloody awful though - I was so ill, Asher was so unsettled and the staff would hardly help me at all so I really struggled to manage looking after him cause I was so unwell. I actually wanted him at home with my husband because I knew he would be happier there - but then I wouldn't have seen him at all as my husband wouldn't have been able to bring him in for visits. I believe that if you are admitted to a maternity hospital or post natal ward you can have your baby with you, but not if it is an ordinary ward. Hope you're home soon hun xx
I'm so sorry I can't offer any advice as haven't been in your situation. Will they not consider giving you a room so you can have baby with you?

Hope they get you sorted soon so you're back with your LO :hugs:

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