Anyone been offered a flu jab


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Just wondering as I saw the midwife today and she said that it is reccommeded that pregnant women get the flu jab especially near the end of their pregnancy. I have 2 1/2 weeks till I am due and was wondering whether I should have it or not?

Does anyone know anymore about the jab or anyone having it?
I've just had it 2 hours ago. The nurse said it was a mixture of swine flu and some others. I was in two minds about having it but decided to go for it in the end as the mw recommended that I have it.
i have the normal flu jab every year even though i'm 24 as i am asthmatic!! I have not had any problems with it except about 5 years ago i felt really crap after having it but no other problems. I will probably have to have it again this winter but i don't usually get it until november time!!
Nope, saw midwife Monday and she didnt mention it to me :s xx
I was offered it in my first tri and told her I had already had it :whistle: lol!! I had just got over swine flu and had tami flu so there was no way I was having it haha!!

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Had the jab yesterday afternoon and apart from a sore arm today, feel fine!
I have been offered it too. Normal have the flu jab as i have asthma, but i am a little unsure this year with the swine flu combined in the jab. I really don't know what to do. If it was just the flu jab i wouldn't think about it twice, but not sure about this whole swine flu part and due to people not wanting this last year they combine it, which i think is wrong.
Yer they wanted to me have a combined one but my bil had it and people at his work oh my lord they were alrite for about a week then they were allllll off sick like walking zombies I wasn't having that being in my first tri exhaustion and looking after two toddlers lol!!!

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Only thing I can say is that I had 'swine flu' (or some sort of flu) last year and got the tamiflu...made me soooo much more ill than just the flu!! I reckon I would've got over the flu in a week but with the tamiflu I felt sick and achey for 4 weeks, was like being in tri1! Except at least I got the time off work :p
Only thing I can say is that I had 'swine flu' (or some sort of flu) last year and got the tamiflu...made me soooo much more ill than just the flu!! I reckon I would've got over the flu in a week but with the tamiflu I felt sick and achey for 4 weeks, was like being in tri1! Except at least I got the time off work :p

Yer tammi flu is what made me ill and it's a depressant too! I was like omg!! Stopped taking it half way though and surprise surprise was well two days later!!

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