Anyone doing top ups? Advice?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Hi girls... Just in need of some advice as always :) Cameron is being breastfed at the moment. He has now got back to his birth weight, he hasn't gained weight crazily but is doing well! I think. Yet over the last 2 days or so. He has been very unsettled, not sleeping much during the day or night. I know he is only tiny but... He latched on very well from the first feed and there's never been any problems. Until as I said, 2 days ago, he has 2 boobs at every feed, feeds on both for about 5-7 mins, then comes off but is still looking for more, crying etc. Yet when I try to put him back on the boob he doesn't wanna know! He won't latch on as if he is finished yet I can clearly tell he wants to eat more. Is it possible that he has emptied both of the boobs for that feed and want more? I am thinking of giving him both boobs and after that top up with 60ml or something? So I will not substitute any of the breastfeeding but simply give on top?
Opinions? Has anyone done it? I am in desperate need for help!xx
I'm not sure this is the case for everyone but as soon as I gave Emily a bottle she was having none of the boob, too much hard work!!! I tried her lots of time but she didnt want it and got really stressed.

Every baby is different and if Cameron is still hungry (sounds like he is???) I guess you will have to give it a go? x
I don't want him to be hungry and upset, I don't wanna give up breastfeeding completely either (planning to breastfeed for about 2 months) but I am soooo knackered and it is taking up most of my day, I have a 2 year old as well and I hardly get to spend any time with him as either I am too tired, Cameron is feeding or fussing because he wants more but don't want the boob :( x
Is Emily on full time bottle now? Did you try to combine feed or why did you offer her a bottle? x
Yes she is on bottle all the time now. She wasnt feeding well at all, not getting enough. She was really upset one night when I was trying to feed her and Rob went round to get some formula (as we didnt have any - I had no intention of using it!) and she guzzled it down! She was a totally different baby! The next morning my mw came round and we tried many times to get her back on the boob but she was having none if it. I then came to the decision that I would express so she had the comfort of the bottle was was still having my milk, and she had top ups with formula. Gradually she has had more and more formula and is now on it all the time.

I'm now back at work 3 days a week so bottle feeding works for me. xxx
I'm breastfeeding and my little one normally takes 20 to 25 mins on one breast before I offer the second one. I know that the first part of the milk is the foremilk and the later they get the hindmilk. This is the stuff that keeps them full and content as hindmilk is much fattier. Perhaps he is not reaching the hinkmilk? Will he stay longer on one breast?

I've read that if you introduce formula it can mess up your milk supply a bit as it works on a demand and supply basis. Although I know a lot of people do this so I'm not sure?

Breastfeeding does get easier! Really tough the first few weeks that's for sure.

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