Anyone due on the 18th November?

I am, going off my own dates, but was put back to 22nd at the dating scan. Personally, I am sticking with my own dates. But either way, around the end of November. Is that when you are due?
Yep :) My dates were the 16th, MW put me at 17th and dating scan put me at the 18th, but I guess LO will arrive when it's ready lol (can't wait to stop calling it 'It')
Aaaaw so will you be finding out the sex? We have decided not to, I want the surprise at the end. But my gut feeling is it's a girl... a boy would be really nice to be the head of our family, but aslong as its healthy that's all that matters.

Are you showing yet?
I think we will find out the sex (if LO allows it!!), I'm useless at waiting especially if it is something that I can find out (if that makes any sense at all?!?) But I'm the same, as long as it's healthy I'll be happy.

I am starting to show, went to the physio and before she even looked at my notes she asked if I was pregnant... I wasn't aware that I was showing that much!! lol I've bought some maternity trousers as my trousers were starting to get uncomfortably tight....

How about you? Are you showing? How are you finding pregnancy?
I think so, but you can't tell with my clothes on. I can't wait to get a proper bump.
So far, it's been a dream. I've had no symptoms whatsoever. Apart from my BFP and no periods, I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. I love it.
How about you?
im due on the 11th, i think it would be cool if my baby came on his due date 11.11.12 the numbers look cool lol
im due on the 11th, i think it would be cool if my baby came on his due date 11.11.12 the numbers look cool lol

Lol - Or you could cross your legs until 12.12.12.... :lol:

Parker7 - I'm over the moon to be pregnant, but it is hell!! I'm wishing it was 18th November already :wall2: I really wanted to blossom and glow - but I'm more bloated and glowering! lol I seem to be collecting all of the bad symptoms of pregnancy on top of my IBS being made much worse! But my Angelsounds Doppler arrived this morning, so I'm wishing the day away so I can get home and play! :dance:
Im due 15th nov its changed from 17th to 15th :) xx

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