Anyone Else A MW3 (Call of Duty) Widow This Week?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2011
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I made the 'mistake' (blissful peace) of purchasing the new Call of Duty - Modern Warfare game for my OH.
He has literally not been off it! lol
Quite sweet how involved he gets.. and to be honest.. It's turning me on to see him get so aggressive!
I have had 5 mins of 'attention'/:bd: haha
Anyone else enjoying the rest?! Or are you ready to have your man back now?

I have DH and 2 boys obsessed with it! DH is not too bad but the kids, i can't peel away. I have one takiing over the main tv with the xbox and the other on the ps3 upstairs. The game itself is fine it's just the headsets on screaming with their friends that gets on my nerves!
Nope not MW3 but tomorrow is the release of the 5th elder scrolls: Skyrim. Husband has been going on about it for days. He has it downloading at this very moment and will be glued to it the moment he gets home from work tomorrow. I play World of Warcraft, and a few others so may just get myself a copy. Can't beat em, join em mentality lol
Not yet, my o/h is working away until next weekend - when he is home however that is when I shall become a widow (again). He freely admiteds that he was more excited about MW3's launch than he is about the fairly imminent arrival of our baby :roll:
i am a general game widow sweety, woop widows club again lol
I am mww3 widow lol bless him he sits there with his headset on looks like he is about to fly a helicopter lol

hahaha mrs mc mine is the same, he just sits with his mouth open jumpimng around imitating machine guns sounds etc
I've brought it my OH for Xmas so making him wait, but funily enough I'm the one wanting to open it and have a play.
I'm no COD widow, I make my OH the widow. =D x
I'm a MW and a Skyrim widow this week :( He's on MW right now, and I can hear him shouting at his pals online!!
I let my oh buy it, but we have been to busy for him to play it...
but im close to being an angry birds widdow! hes got it on his new phone he got sunday.
Argh mines coming home in a couple days, it'll commence then won't it?? :roll: he's not purchased it yet but I'm sure it'll be first in his "to do" list :roll:
Aw bless u all... But i am too ha ha :(. Silly game lol. xx

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