Anyone Else Booking or Going on Holiday?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Well after a year in France renovating our house, we both really want a holiday when we get back to the UK.

Looking at booking our favourite hotel in Cyprus for a week, for some TLC (has fabulous restaurants and the most wonderful spa). Its a very good hotel and not worried about food poisioning etc.

Anyone else booking or going on holiday, I keep reading that taking a break during the 2nd trimester is a really good idea.....

I can eat, sleep and have some lovely massages, which surely cant be a bad thing??
I would love a holiday but Im scared of flying now since I went to Spain in Jan and bled for two weeks after! Im worried it will cause me to do it again so Im not risking it! (not that it should, but it has scared me lol) we've opted for a weekend in London and a week in Torquay! :cheer:
I'll be going to Germany for a week just at the end of the second trimester, so that I can see my friends and family a last time before the sproglet arrives and also to do some location scouting for my wedding next year. It's not going to be too exhausting. Over-night ferry to Rotterdam and a 4 hour drive from there. I know it's not a proper holiday with pampering etc, but I'm really looking forward to it.
i went to the dominican when i was 23 weeks :cheer: :cheer:

I was perfectly fine.

Go & have a fab time..
I know flying is "safe" but im not risking it and im staying in the UK.. Im off to devon to stay in a lodge for a week. Juts hoping the weather brightens up!

Claire x
I'll be going abroard at the end of September i'll be around 25 weeks-ish.
Also went when i was 13 weeks. Had no problems, bump gets very hot though so i would'nt advise having it out in the sun for long.
Oh and you might find that you burn a lot easier then before, im pale with red hair so i go for a high factor sun cream anyway but deffinately whilst pregnant. You cant be to carefull :)

But on the other side, your not made of glass so have a great time without worrying about everything, you deserve to before baby gets here!!

:hug: :hug:
Me, Matthew & Grace are going away for a week on August 1st.
We're just going to a hotel, about a 2 hours drive away from our apartment so not too far.
Rome and Jaida will be along a couple of weeks after that, so it'll be crazy when they come along!
I went to tenerife @ 24 weeks, I was cautious with the food, but still managed to eat loads :oops: anyway I was fun, no sickness at all & it was a great break for us both before the baby
we are off to Spain 2 weeks today for 10 days, im not sure if im looking forward to it or not but am excited for the kids.
Thanks girls...........its always great to have some reassurance.

I will get on and bok it tomorrow, really looking forward to a break away, and some proper pampering, afterall its going to be the last holiday we get on our own for a while :D
I'm off to Canada in just over a week. I can't wait although I think I've got SPD which will probably mean me limping around Toronto!

Still - excited! :D
I went to Cyprus at 23 weeks and apart from being a little bit more careful in the intense sun and with the food and water it was fine. Check with any airline you book as to what date they will carry pregnant women until before you book though.

It's great to get away one last time before the baby comes so I would definately recommend it.
All on the 3rd Sept for a week.

Just cant wait for a week of Rest & Relaxation.

Glad its all booked and hope you have a great time. :D

One thing though, when I went abroad in June I noticed my skin was ultra sensitive to the sun so be wary for the first few days until you know how you are with it. :)
I took a little 5 day break to my Nans in France when I was around 21 weeks - so glad I did!! I certainly wouldn't be able to get anywhere now and will be a few months of settling with LO before we can consider another holiday!
I would LOVE to go on holiday - and we were planning to but OH has never had a passport so god knows how long it would take for him to get one and mine ran out last year so it would cost us a fortune in passports, we just havent got the money - i keep telling him how much i would love to go away BUT when baby girl is here, maybe we could go away for a week or so, when she's a little older! :D
The passport is not essential, there's so many brilliant places in the UK you can go on holiday to. Well, I've usually travelled to the UK to go on holiday before I moved over here. It's maybe not perfect for hot beach holidays, but apart from that it's great. I spent a week with the bloke in Pembrokeshire just before I found out I'm pregnant and that was one of the best holidays ever.

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