Anyone else finding this... (may be TMI..sorry!)


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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Hi there!

Would love to know what you ladies are experiencing on this subject........ basically (and i feel really embarrassed saying this) but most days I feel quite damp down below :oops: :oops: Is this normal? I think its a combination of increased discharge, sweating (i have a desk job so am sitting down all day), increased weight from bump, and maybe a wee bit of leakage at times from pee :oops: :oops: :oops:

i'm going to see how I am over the weekend (i.e not sitting all day) if it makes a difference to the dampness (as i think its mostly sweating). I do wear a panty liner as well....

my only worry was...should I be worried about leaking of amniotic fluid? and how do you tell the difference between that and other stuff?!!?! :oops:

sorry if this is TMI..... lol :oops: my next MW appointment isnt until 14th november.....
It is quite normal - and probably is a bit of everything you have described - I have noticed the same thing. I think if it was amnoiotic fluid you would have a steady flow?
I def have the same. It's been the case in my other 3 pregnancies too, although I have noticed it more this time round. Maybe my pelvic floor is not what it was :oops:
yeh thats what i thought as well...... the joys of being pregnant!!!!!

maybe its the hormones making me over paranoid about things! :oops:

I think my pelvic floor must be crap..... should really do those exercises!! :oops: :oops:
Don't worry, I have the same problem too! Had a few near accidents lately! :oops: lol! Bit worried coz I thought if this is what I'm like now, wonder how bad I will be when I'm in the later stages!
Guess I should have done my pelvic floor exercises too! :rotfl:
I think most women experience this so don't worry :D if you feel uncomfortable use a pad, i think it makes you feel more secure!

Amniotic fluid has a distictive smell to it, you will know what i mean when your waters break! :rotfl:

I have also had to resort to tena lady :rotfl: after 3 pregnancies and having a really bad cough i have a bit of weakness :oops: :rotfl: have to laugh or i will cry!!
thanks girls :)

I'm wearing a wee panty liner at the moment, but its the really thin one, may have to upgrade to a slightly thicker one :lol: oh the joys!
yes its all normal, it gets worse in 3rd tri lol
i am the same!! I am using a pantyliner too as i just feel a bit fresher with one on. I am sure when my waters broke last time the amniotic fluid has a slight sweet smell to it. Like Cixes said, it is a distinguishable smell.

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