Anyone else on a get fit regime whilst WTT?


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Jan 22, 2010
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Am taking this WTT business before I move over to TTC very seriously. Have kick started a harsh get fit regime to lose a bit of weight and get into shape before I hopefully end up piling it all back on again...sounds mad but it's mostly about eating healthily which can only be a good routine to get into when actually preggers!! I'm running everyday in an effort to get my bod in tip top condition (well as tip top as mine can get) to give me the best possible chance as I've been piling on the pounds since last year! It will probably all be in vain as I'm sure if I'm lucky enough to get pregnant eventually I'll be a food monster. Saying that this eating healthily business is hard work...I love choc and crisps and junk food especially Haagen Daaz choc choc chip ice cream...I'm winding myself up here!! If I knew there were others out there in the same position I might feel less like having a pig out!? Help!!!!
I'm getting fitter atm too :) I'm of running due to injury, but I go to the gym about 5/6 times a week.

How are you finding it getting back into running? What sort of distance are you doing?
I am making an attempt to get back to the gym, only been once this wk tho!! No excuse as have a gym at work to use. Know exactly what u mean I'm thinking if I lose some maybe I won't be ultra massive if and when preggers. My excuse fir this week: on night shift so constantly knackered! :sleep: x
Wii Fit has some light exercises that you can do and also can do some jogging
I have joined ww and am losing weight. I hope to start ttc in the summer this year. So have a holiday in the meantime and am trying to be good for that too. I'm doing 2 spinning classes a week & 1 swimming session too.

I'm also taking a multi vit and mineral with folic acid..... So feeling good.

Come on girls, lets keep up the good work.... :dance:
Sounds like you're doing really well Loobie! :yay:
oh is it ok to take mv's with folic acid in so long before?
I would like to tone and lost some weight before we start trying so off to buy the Wii Fit Plus when we get paid at the end of the month. Have also started brisker walking with the dog (not that she is that impressed LOL) so I suppose every little helps. I am certainly healthier now than before I had DS in 2006...about 2 stone lighter and more stamina at walking!
I have decided to step it up and get my final pounds off before trying for a baby too doing some circuit training, jogging (i don't think I go fast enough for it to be called running LOL) and weight training - about 6 sessions a week. Would really like my body to be in the best condition before I get pregnant.
Iv'e had a miscarridge last week, and so need to shift that little bit of poundage I gained this time round before I get cracking again!

Come on all you get fitters~!
i'm thinking of starting to look after myself a bit better now too - to give myself best possible chance of a happy healthy pregnancy & baby : )

i'm a bit clueless about vitamins etc though! anyone got any tips?
I am not excercising as I can't due to my disability but I am watching what I am eating

Sarah xx
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I'm gonna have to start doing something soon as I'd like to start TTC in about a year tops and I really need to get into better shape to carry another baby.

I've got a Davina DVD but it's so bloody hard!!!!

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