April 2021 Mummies! Tri2!

Hello sorry I’ve not updated. Had scan and baby was all well!! She had a heartbeat :good: I was so relieved! Cervix was also closed on the scan x they have said my cervical erosion will just cause bleeding on and off thought pregnancy and it won’t clear up till approximately 6 months after birth x so pleased with the outcome! x I have my 20week scan on the 18th so I will get confirmation that she’s deffo a girl then I’ll probably start baby shopping <3:baby: she’s still pretty quite with movements but the songrapher told me not to worry until after 20 weeks x
Hello sorry I’ve not updated. Had scan and baby was all well!! She had a heartbeat :good: I was so relieved! Cervix was also closed on the scan x they have said my cervical erosion will just cause bleeding on and off thought pregnancy and it won’t clear up till approximately 6 months after birth x so pleased with the outcome! x I have my 20week scan on the 18th so I will get confirmation that she’s deffo a girl then I’ll probably start baby shopping <3:baby: she’s still pretty quite with movements but the songrapher told me not to worry until after 20 weeks x

Great news, StarGirl :)
I had my scan on Tuesday, all was well and I’m having the first April girl! <3 I do have an anterior placenta, but I’m feeling baby a couple of times a day now. All her measurements were perfect so I don’t need to go back until my 36 week growth scan (I know I’m lucky that my hospital offers this).

I also had a consultant appointment over the phone yesterday, all was good, we confirmed my delivery choice - elective c/sec. They said I’d be a priority and they’d do it as close to 39 weeks as possible due to going into labour at spontaneously at 39 weeks with no2, and also because it’s my 4th c/sec it could be a bit trickier so they don’t want me to go into labour before they’re ready! I won’t speak to consultant again until 36 weeks now.

As I was typing this, I had a call from hospital to confirm my c-sec date :0 I wasn’t expecting to get this until at least March! So now I even know when she’ll be arriving :D
Might be worth taking water example in coz I was in a lot of pain last week down there and it was water infection ... but maybe call ur midwife if ur really worried hun xxxxx
Thank you!
@Star_girl great news star girl! Glad everything is well and you can feel some relief now.

thats 2 girls in the group now :D woo at least we have a bit more of a mixture now!

@Dj2015 exciting news on knowing your arrival date so soon. You can start a proper countdown now <3
Glad everything went well with the scan @Star_girl! I hope you're feeling more relaxed now.

19 weeks today for me and I feel like time has stopped haha. I have my 20-week scan a week on Monday (the 14th) and I'm so impatient!
I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and my anatomy scan is a week from today! I am getting nervous that they’ll find something wrong with baby, but I guess I worry about that every time, as every mama must.
I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and my anatomy scan is a week from today! I am getting nervous that they’ll find something wrong with baby, but I guess I worry about that every time, as every mama must.
20 weeks today and my scan is on Monday! I’m in the same boat. I’m worried but I’m trying to just keep calm. Praying for you and baby!!!
Hi ladies, so sorry for being a bit quiet but been pretty busy with work!
Glad to see you are all doing well and that we have new baby girls in the group as well! ❤️
I'm going in week 21 tomorrow and have my anatomy scan on Tuesday. Also a bit anxious but I guess that's natural mummy stress!

Let's keep calm and be positive and I'm sure all will be well for all of our babies!! ❤️
Lots scans coming up in next few days all the best ladies

I have mine on Tuesday but it’s just rescan to measure babies spine xxxx
Hi ladies!

had my anatomy scan today at 20weeks. Baby has a dilated kidney- doctor said they see it all the time and normally works itself out before birth. I’m not too worried seeing he has lots of growing to do. Wondering if anyone has had the same experience? Did it go away before birth? Anything is appreciated.

wishing you all the best scans! I hope all the babies are healthy!!!
Oh wow I have neglected this group! I had 4 pages to catch up on. I find Facebook easier as it sends me a notification when there’s a post.

22 weeks today. Still unsure if I’m feeling any movement or if it’s just gas and digestion bubbles! But I have an anterior placenta AND a fibroid plus the position baby likes means his legs point downwards so all of that together = much harder to feel.

So glad everyone is feeling well. I’m starting to look pregnant instead of chubby so that’s nice. I’m struggling to feel excited or that this is even real - I guess it’s because I can’t feel baby move properly yet. Hopefully once he gets bigger and I can feel him, it’ll feel like this is actually happening.
Had my scan today as well and everything looked amazing! Baby boy was wiggling about giving the doc a hard time to catch measurements! Hahaha! But all was well eventually!

Good luck to the rest of you ladies who have scans this week!!

@Krysta Never heard of a dilated kidney. I'm sure the baby will be amazing. Especially since the doctor didn't seem to bothered either:good:<3
I’m so glad to see everyone’s scans have gone well, Krysta, if the doctor isn’t concerned then I think it’s best you don’t stress too. If they become concerned as the pregnancy progresses I’m sure they will keep you well informed.
I’m 23 weeks today, and oh my days, what a rough couple of days I’ve had at work! I was in tears tonight when I got home. I’m a domestic cleaner in a care home and the workload is starting to get on top of me. I don’t feel like I can complain though because all I get is “god you’re only pregnant, not disabled” and yes. I know that, but I’m out of breath after mopping the staircase. I can’t walk up a flight of stairs without resting. I hoover 34 bedrooms, 6 offices and 4 corridors a day. + everything else... It’s a lot! It’s not too bad when there’s another domestic in, but I’ve been in on my own for two days due to sickness. How am I meant to “take things easy” when even the managers are telling me to just get on with it?
Hello all! Congratulations and welcome to tri 2! I hope this trimester is enjoyable and straightforward for us all.
Let me know your due date and I will add you below.

31st - Olivia118:yellow:
5- Pemsy
6- Ktpotatie :blue:
12- Summerdaze
15- Zoe_helen25 :yellow: Aurora84 :blue:
16- Dj2015
17- Colette_h :blue:
23- Krysta :blue:
24- kholl
1- Malagueta, Jojo19
7 - Star_girl
Hi! I’m due 12th April 2021 xxx

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