April Mummies....1 week to go!!

I am I've started taking epo gonna start raspberry tea on Sunday and gotta get clary sage during week but yeah my bags are even packed and by front door. Dh thought I was leaving lol.
I've washed everything and everything is in its place.
I also have no roots and am ready for action lol x x

No I'm not no where near lol. stil got to do the nursery get the pram, cot, bottles and prepare myself that i really am having another one.
I'm not really ready either....bag still not packed, baby's clothes washed but not ironed, still need to buy steriliser and bottles and breast pump and nursing bra's....haven't arranged who will be my birthing partner if hubby lets me down (which I think he will). Need to put the crib together this weekend as midwife is visiting on Monday to inspect where baby is sleeping...that'll be fun as now I have to do it on my own as hubby has said he's not coming this weekend because I dared to get upset about the thought of giving birth alone....grrrrr!! xxx
Oh lovely..... wish you were nearer ide help you.
Do you have a tk maccy near you very very good prices for new stuff nearly half off the other shops I got my bottles and sterliser from there abd my monitor. I do like the baby bit in t k maxx lol xx

bloody men sometimes they so selfish, my hubby went out last weekend and got so drunk he got lost walking home i had to go out and find him which is funny now but wasn't at 1am. then he decided he wasnot drinking again till i had baby he just text to ask if its ok to have 2 pints after work he is a chef in a pub/hotel i said knew you couldn;t do it
Yes men are selfish!! My hubby says he is sick of me getting upset all the time and moaning at him :-( Well stop upsetting me then!!!!
Jess funnily enough I was in TK Maxx today but wasn't impressed.....shelves and shelves for little girls but nothing for little boys :-( Last time I was there I saw a gorgeous blanket but it wasn't there this time....only in pink. I did see sterilisers and bottles which were quite a good deal but I know Tesco has a good deal on the Tomee Tippee one at the moment and that's the one I'd really like to get :) . I did get the cutest sleep bag from there for £9.99 the other week though...was well chuffed as they are twice that in Mothercare xxx
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Sorry you think your hubby won't be there Amanda I wish I were closer as I'd offer to be there for you. I hope your friend comes through for you.

I think I'll take a trip to TK Maxx this weekend and see what they have! I'll report back.

I've been told that because of my GD I will more than likely be induced at 38 weeks, I've got a scan on Weds to find out how big she is and they will go from there. I said to the midwife I was hoping for a water birth and she said they might offer me a sweep at 37+4/5 if the scan shows baby is ok as if that gets things started I can still have my water birth :)
Morning! I'm almost ready. Like Amanda, my bag is still not packed. Everything is ready to put in it, just not managed to do it yet. Material wise, i'm ready, mentally, not so sure. Trying not to dwell on it too much. Keeping myself very busy at work so the days are flying past.
I'm nearly ready. We're planning to have the baby at home in a birthing pool so have to set that up this weekend and then the baby can happily come at any time...I would like to make it to my hair appointment on Tuesday evening though....want to look nice for my baby when we finally meet each other! Oh, and Amanda, am I a slummy mummy for not ironing baby clothes?!?!?! lol :)
I've not ironed the clothes either lol. X x

I am ready but my nursery isn't! I should be getting it sorted today but instead I am watching some crap TV waiting on the ASDA man bringing me my shopping :lol: and I just have 3 more baby grows to wash and I am finished ! xx
Amanda, am I a slummy mummy for not ironing baby clothes?!?!?! lol :)

Nahh not at all! I NEVER iron - that is why it is taking me weeks to psych myself up to do it! Just want all his stuff ironed and nice the first time he wears them...then after that he can wear creases like the rest of us, lol xx

Sorry you think your hubby won't be there Amanda I wish I were closer as I'd offer to be there for you. I hope your friend comes through for you.

I think I'll take a trip to TK Maxx this weekend and see what they have! I'll report back.

I've been told that because of my GD I will more than likely be induced at 38 weeks, I've got a scan on Weds to find out how big she is and they will go from there. I said to the midwife I was hoping for a water birth and she said they might offer me a sweep at 37+4/5 if the scan shows baby is ok as if that gets things started I can still have my water birth :)

Not long for you then Lauren....looks like mumofmany is going to be induced on 7th April...maybe you will beat her to the first April baby! xx
everything is ready for baby, but im abit scared now lol. but i keep saying im gonna go over and end up having a royal wedding baby haha, i will be 12 days over then, and thats when they induced me last time at 12 days over. fed up of waiting now :(

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