Are my reasons good enough?

Jan 2, 2011
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Does anyone else keep swaying from deciding whether to wait or just try straight away?

There are a couple of reasons for waiting, some blatantly silly, others perhaps not... but I think at most, I'd be able to wait a maximum of 6 months before ttc as we both just want a family so much.

Our house isnt ideal... but we may not conceive and as we rent, am sure we could find somewhere suitable when we needed to - plus, we could certainly manage where we are.

I have just started a new job, but would probably have been there a year by the time I started Maternity Leave.. plus would an extra 6 months really make that much difference?

I want to lose a bit of weight, but could easily do this whilst ttc.

I was thinking of avoiding a winter baby, mainly as everyone is usually so tied up with preps for Christmas and Im a huge family person... and I dont think I would cope to returning to work right before Christmas after a year off with a LO.

I'd love to hear your own situations or thoughts as whilst I usually am pretty level headed, I seem to have become a bit confused over all this.
in my opion? theres never a "right" time to have a baby, as you can plan them and then take 12 months to concive i honestly belive they come when they want to :)
What about not trying and not preventing for a while? as Loulou says there is never a right time, I am having to wait until we move cos the house is barely big enough for Toby, and I need to be on a decent wage to get the mortgage we would be looking for... but if something happened in the meantime it wouldn't be entirely a disaster... :flower:

oh and welcome to PF :wave:
I think NTNP might be where we end up. It's just so hard trying to put off something you want so much.. but I know I'd have a lot happier and healthier pregnancy if I lost some weight (about a stone) and got my head around my new job etc first.

I think ideally May would be an ideal time to start trying, but on a regular basis I just turn to DH and say, shall we just start now... to which he usually has very little or no resistance! lol

I'm at the end of my pill pack, and am perhaps thinking to try and start the new pack just to keep going, I imagine I could easily get a bit obsessive when we start - I was the same over our wedding!

At the same time, a friend of mine started trying a year ago and conceived in the first cycle, and now has a baby boy and as everything went so fast for her and she had a very long and painful labour and an assisted birth I think she is a little depressed. Its guess its making me somewhat cautious.

Thanks so much for the replies, and welcome... it's nice to have people to talk to... and Rowesb - I love the name Toby!
There's a couple of us looking at starting in May (See the WTT Roll Call thread), I'm also about to start a new job, 10th Jan and have two Hen Do trips abroad this summer, but I'll come off my pill in May, just gonna see what happens!

Ideally getting pregnant end of October would be good, but it's ok if it happens sooner, I have checked new job handbook this morning 'all female employees entitled to Maternity Leave regardless of length of service' and I told them at interview that I am inclined to have a baby in the next couple of years anyway!!

I started a month ago, and I have a 3 month probationary. My sister had a baby 9 months ago, the first in our family and I've even been scared of talking about her too much at work in case I come across broody.

I figure they must know, that as Im recently married - am in my late 20's and have no children yet that its on the cards, but after all you hear about them avoiding women of child bearing age - I was surprised I even got the job.

It does scare me somewhat telling them when Im pregnant. Hope it all works out for you Lander, Oct would be perfect - A summer baby would be fab!
Yes, October, Summer baby to take our mind off the Olympics ha ha lol ;)

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