Arm flapping!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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This is going to sound really paranoid of me but I wondered if anyone else's babies do it??

Basically, Stanley is 5 months old on Thursday and I'm worried about this thing he does! He basically flaps his arm up and down vigorously, and constantly!! He often ends up punching himself in face or eh king his keg and it's quite hard???

Do any of your babies do it? I've never seen a baby do it :( xx
That's meant to say whacking his leg lol
Oh goosed at least he's not the only one! He has done since he was newborn almost like a twitch type thing :( x
Joshua keeps smacking himself in the face with his hands lol.xx
Brody has an obsession (Laura you can back this up lol) with sticking his arm out atm. Usually just his left one, like superman. x
Alice does it all the time. I'm surprised she hasn't hurt herself doing it
Brody has an obsession (Laura you can back this up lol) with sticking his arm out atm. Usually just his left one, like superman. x

She has hit herself in the face a few times when she gets worked up. x
Ella does it when she gets excited!! I have to hide her bottle sometimes whilst it's cooling because otherwise she's goes on a mad one!!
Yep flappy arm syndrome here too. That's why we have to swaddle her cos none of us would get any sleep
Henry has flappy arm syndrome too. Can't swaddle his arms or tuck them under a blanket as Hejaz a hissy fit until they are free again.

He also hits himself in the face and does the superman pose :D
Glad its not just me, since he was born Charlie has been the most fidgety baby ever, even when.he's tired he wiggles all my family have commented and I was worried but they must just want to get up and go, I'm dreading when Charlie can crawl ill never see him again x
Brody has an obsession (Laura you can back this up lol) with sticking his arm out atm. Usually just his left one, like superman. x

Emily does her superman impression a lot too! So funny! :)
Yep Kayla goes nuts flapping about , me n oh do be in fits laughing some times shes goes sooo crazy with it
My 4 year old had a party the other day and we had the burst sing on, turned round and Stanley was flapping! Had everyone in stitches bless him xx

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