***August Mummys - Who wants a text/bump/FB buddy?***

Starting to make list of things i need to buy i have all the big things. Need blankets, nappies, bottles....
I spent so long thinking about pushchairs i neglected the small things.

Oh my I am SO disorganized, I've not bought anything yet :shock: (having said that this is my second so I'm allowed to be a little bit more chilled out as we have lots of things already)

We got our first baby-gro and box of nappies today :) ha ha xx
Hi ladies,

Have updated for Hannah (Hannah am assuming you're team Pink?) and Xcitedmum2b :) Pink is still in the lead!

Hubby and I were saying today how we need to have everything done and ready in the next 10 weeks really, just in case little one decides to put in an early appearance.... eeeek! It's coming round fast ladies! x
Yeah jen it's scary how fast time is going!! :) it's good though. We've tried to get the basics that we need incase baba does decide to appear early, so like nappies and some dummies, baby wipes, baby grows, mits etc (already got the big things). Such an exciting time! :) xxx
I bought paint at the weekend! So shall get te nursery sorted over the next week! :). I also have all the big things (apart from moses basket/crib) but will get that this weekend or next... Then its just little things like more nappies and wipes, baby monitors, bath sponge etc.. I am also buying the same as you jen, TT starter kit with the bottles, steriliser, bottle warmer etc, I already have a sterilser but thought its to good of a deal to turn down! So I'm nearly there to, as I am preparing myself this time as my baby's like to come early...lol. (Well brooke did) so least if its all sorted out soon, I will have more time to enjoy the summer!! Least we have all got each other to go through our last weeks and we can winge and moan to each other about how uncomfortable we are, :) xx
Saying "Only 10 weeks" to hubby earlier seems to have got his attention lol! I have been trying to sort out what's left to get (ahem, it's ALOT) and working out best time to buy & how much it's going to cost!

Very exciting though and really starting to feel real... x
Real... I keep looking at my ticker from time to time and I get a shock and think o s**t I've only got x amount of weeks left, Best get a move on but my list is gradually coming down! But I haven't even started buying for my hospital bag yet! I'd rather make sure baby has everything he needs, I managed without a hospital bag with brooke so I know I could do it again... But hopefully it won't come to that and I will have it all packed well in advance! X
I went out and bought a few more bits today from the ASDA baby event - they have this really cute Huggies Newborn Starter Kit that has 27 nappies, size up to 11lb, baby wipes and a cute hat, all for £3! Bargain! Also got some soothers, some scratch mits, a couple of hats, 2 babygros, 2 sleepsuits and a cute romper :)

The huggies newborn starter kit was the first thing I bought! :) we actually started painting the nursery tonight, feels so real having the blue walls, cot comes next week so can start putting everything together!!.. Yippee! I also had my antenatal class today and I felt a bit awkward to start with as I was the youngest there and the only one to be on there second pregnancy!! I panic as I feel people judge me, but they were all very nice and couldn't stop asking me questions about labour etc... Was a bit strange! So glad I went though!
I had a 4D scan today.
At my 20 week scan i was sure i saw a willy so i asked the 4d scanner if its a boy and it is!
So im now team blue.
The huggies newborn starter kit was the first thing I bought! :) we actually started painting the nursery tonight, feels so real having the blue walls, cot comes next week so can start putting everything together!!.. Yippee! I also had my antenatal class today and I felt a bit awkward to start with as I was the youngest there and the only one to be on there second pregnancy!! I panic as I feel people judge me, but they were all very nice and couldn't stop asking me questions about labour etc... Was a bit strange! So glad I went though!

It's such a bargain isn't it? £3 - couldn't believe it! How was the ante-natal class? I'm still in two-minds, am scared of being put on the spot! Eeeeek!

Hi gang,

I know some of us have moved over into Tri3 already so should we sort out text/bump/FB buddies for the big day?

Anyone arranged any buddies already so we know who's looking after who? x
KellyHook I'm happy to be a bump buddy if you still don't have one? PM your number :)

I'm buddies with Kay 1987 too but happy to have more than one! x
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Right so is there a difference between text/bump/FB buddies before we start planning them... As I'm thinking the whole reason we have text buddies is because we can get on the net to update ourselves so I don't understand what you mean by a FB buddie??? Or am I being stupid...lol
I would quite happily do it.... We are due the same day tho... :)
tis very true... ha ha can just imagine it... i text you that im in labour and you're already in labour ha ha... wud be a bit stuck then! :p x
Well some people have apps on their phone which means they can get on to FB but not PF - I guess, it's worth establishing what you want the other person to do for you when you agree your text buddy!

O yes I get what you mean now!! I think I'm going to get a couple asd I want someone close to my duedate (to compare signs etc) and someone a couple of weeks off (to make sure they arnt in labour at the same time) but I'm willing to be anyones I'm always on my phone so can get on to FB and PF from it anytime! Xx

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