Avery Rose White 20/07/11


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Hey Ladies :wave:

Well my little Princess is here! :dust:I cannot express the love that I feel for this tiny little person :cloud9: .

Okay well the story goes something like this...

Tuesday 19th July 2011

I had my 39 week hospital appointment and the doctor offered me a membrane sweep. Anxiously, I agreed. However she said that cos my cervix was still too far back that it was unsuccessful. I didn't know whether to be disappointed or not.

So we discussed my options and I expressed that I wasn't keen on being induced, so she offered that I could go for another sweep the following week, then see if I go naturally, then if I didn't, at 8 days overdue I could be booked in for a c-section. So I agreed on that, and my c-section was booked for 3rd August and I was to book in for a sweep with my GP surgery's MW.

Off I went that day, thinking nothing of it. OH and I went out for lunch, did a bit of shopping etc. I phoned GP surgery and for sweep booked in for the following Tuesday. We walked our dogs as normal, had dinner etc. Just the norm.

At about 9pm, I lay down on the sofa, pillow between my legs for comfort, and began to watch Emmerdale on CatchUp TV online. After catching up on two episodes of that, I switched to Coronation Street.

Was waiting for that to load, when I felt a strange pop and I said "Oh shit" and I just knew somehow instinctively that my waters had gone! My OH was sitting at his computer desk and worryingly asked "What's wrong?" So I said that I thought my waters had gone. I stood up and it began to trickle down my legs.

I made it upstairs to the bathroom and more began to trickle out. It wasn't a gush and it wasn't painful or any way sore. Even the "pop" wasn't sore. Now, I can't remember if I felt it or heard it :lol: I think I felt it though, as I remember a "sensation".

I was shaking by now! Think it was just the adrenaline in my body. My teeth began to chatter as if I was cold, but I was far from it. So I called Admissions at the Maternity hopsital I was attending and explained what had happened and about previous c-section and they asked me to come in with my hospital bag just in case. I was advised to monitor baby's movements and to put a maternity pad on to keep an eye on colour of waters.

Got to hospital and they attached me to a machine to monitor baby's heartbeat and to monitor my blood pressure as it was a bit high but that was down to crapping myself more than anything :lol:

After what seemed like forever, the MW decided to admit me cos they deemed my pregnancy to be high risk cos of my previous c-section. She says that the doctor and MW would then discuss with me the following morning what would happen. So that was grand, off I went to a ward. OH stayed with me until I got changed into my nightwear, then had to head home. I really didn't want him to go as I was quite scared as I'd never been through labour before.

Wednesday 20th July 2011

Anyhoo, he left I think about 2am-ish. I got settled, then started having mild period type pain cramps. These got more intense and at about 5am I thought that I'd go and mention it to the MW as I didn't know what to expect with contractions. I was told that they weren't contractions so had a couple of paracetamol which did zero for me.

The pain got more intense and it was stopping me in my tracks when I tried to walk. I was constantly off to the loo emptying my bowels which I'd mentioned to the MW, but still was dismissed.

Around 8am, breakfast was laid out in a conservatory type room so I went to make a cup of tea. Had a couple of sips and holy moly I had to leave the room as the pains I was having were getting untolerable.

I went back to my bed and was in agony. I didn't really know or care what I was doing tbh as all I could think of was easing the pain I was in, so I climbed onto the bed on all fours and lent over the back of it to help ease it. By now I was moaning rather loudly I expect.

The MWs came to check on me and told me they'd have to examine me. I had to lay down for the examination, so rather reluctantly and with great difficulty, I turned myself around and they examined me to advise me that I was 4cms dilated. I found out after reading my medical notes that this was at 8.35am.

They put me on a machine to monitor baby's heartbeat and left me to try and cope and said they'd be back to check on me again. I was getting really agitated with the pain and found that it was extremely intense and getting unbearable. Especially cos I couldn't move due to be strapped to the machine. So I was writhing an moaning again. All whilst I was on a ward!

The MWs came back and examined me again at 9.05am (again I knew the time by reading my notes) and I was 6cms dilated!! The pain was getting unbearable. I heard the MWs discussing getting me to delivery suite, but apparantley there were no rooms available as it was extremely busy!

I had to get onto all fours again up on the bed so they took me off the heartbeat monitor as baby was happy and content. The MWs left and I was left writhing in pain. NO PAIN RELIEF as they couldn't get me into a delivery suite yet as there weren't any rooms available and there's no gas and air on the ward.

Then I felt the sudden urge and pain to push at 9.20am!! By now I was delirious with the pain. The MWs came back and had to examine me again and I was already 8cms dilated!

I was now wanting to push so bad and the pain was indescribable! I have absolutely no words that can describe it! I was trying to stay quiet but that all went out the window when I was near to tears with the pain. I was sweating buckets.

Through it all I heard one MW say, ring down now and tell them we're coming cos she can't wait anymore and she doesn't have any pain relief! I don't know how long it was inbetween then and us leaving for delivery suite as I was delirious with the pain, but they had to wheel me there whilst I was on all fours on the bed, writhing and rocking in pain and squealing that I needed to push!

They rang my OH and told him that I'd "progressed", who arrived just in time, as they had given me another examination and were going to allow me to start pushing.

I was able to get the gas and air which I was absolutely, truly thankful for. I feel that it did help, but the pain was still awful. My OH said that I was sounding and writhing like something possessed out of an exorcist movie :rofl:

I remember focusing on a sink in the room that had silver taps on it and at one point my OH stood at that side of me and all I could think was, "He's standing in front of my focus point!" :lol:

By now I was in complete and utter agony. I begged and pleaded for a c-section or an epidural but MW explained that they couldn't give me either as it was too late.

So I begin pushing and I found this quite bizare as I didn't know what I was meant to be doing. I was losing trying so hard to push but was losing opportunity pushes as I didn't understand what I needed to do.

I was again writhing in pain, the sweat was lashing off me, and they told me NOT to push! I was exhausted, but the urge to resist pushing was so difficult.

I was actually remember saying at one point the area around my previous c-section scar felt painful thinking that they'd be worried and give me a c-section! :blush: A doctor came in and examined me and told us to carry on, after I squealed at her to please take her fingers out as she was hurting me.

I was allowed to push again and this time another MW came in. She was a god send. She got my legs up in stirrups and started barking orders at me as how to push. Then it just clicked and I began pushing with each contraction and got three pushes in for each contraction!

At times, I moaned that I couldn't do it, that I was too tired and sore but the god send MW encouraged me.

All the while, my little bambino wasn't in destress, her heartbeat was grand and she remained happy!

I was pushing all in all for a good 3 hours, when the MW snipped me, baby's head came out and then with a further contraction the rest of her slid out. She cried almost immediately and I cried at hearing her! Avery was put onto me as skin to skin contact and I loved her immediately. My little girl had arrived!

She went to Daddy, whilst I got a few stitches which I didn't feel. Then got up to sit. Phew! What a tough day!

At the moment, I'm still sore, but understand that all will take a wee while to settle. I found the labour and birth quite painful but its soooo true what they say, that you forget the pain as soon as you hear/see your LO. I have the most amazing little person at the end of it all. x
Wow You did amazing!! Congratulations, can't wait to see pics xx
You did great well done and congratulations! xx
Well done BabysMomma! You sound like you did brilliantly! I'm off for my 40 week appointment in a few hours and hoping to get another sweep! Having regular braxton hicks which die off, but I'm hoping there's enough action to get me going! Congratulations again hun - enjoy your beautiful baby girl! xxx
Awwww how beautiful!
You sound like you had a rough time but a beautiful reward at the end of it all, enjoy your little girl! xxx
Congratulations :)

Really enjoyed reading your birth story :) xx
Congraulations hun, you did really well.xx
Thank you ladies. I can honestly say, even though the pain was horrific IMHO, I'd prefer natural birth over a c-section any day! Even though I had a positive c-section experience previously (as in the surgery and healing afterwards) I never bonded with my son at that time, however the closeness I feel to my little girl is priceless.

I have discussed the birth with my OH and we both agree that the way the whole situation was handled by the hospital was appauling. I was firstly left in the hands of an antenatal midwife who doesn't deal with deliveries and she was with me right up to the last minute before the god send midwife I speak off assisted her. Not good when I was classed as high risk.

The fact that the consultant I had prior told me that I could get up and move around and get into different positions whilst giving birth lied...as I had to stay on the bed on my back cos they had to monitor me the whole way through...so not a good position when in agonising pain...and even harder to push LO out! I even specifically asked the consultant about this and he knew I was attempting a VBAC!

They had me in a delivery suite right beside the reception area and I heard a female come into the room and rather rudely say to the MW with me to keep the door closed! Obviously cos I was quite vocal due to the pain. I wasn't OTT with swearing or anything...if I remember rightly, I remember saying oh shit, shit a few times, oh fart, and that was it. Plus I apologised each time and when I was loud!

Even though I was positive after the birth, I've had weepy moments about it and even had a dream reliving the experience and woke up feeling anxious and my heart was thudding, almost like a panic attack.

However I'd still want a vaginal birth over a section in the future due to not wanting major abdominal surgery so I can't really complain eh :lol: x
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What an amazing story hun. Well done you!
Im expecting my first and like you, I dread the idea of having to stay overnight in the hospital and OH going home!

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