Awful midwife appointment!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Well, I went for my long-awaited midwife appointment today only to discover that my regular LOVELY NICE midwife is on holiday this week and has been replaced by UNFRIENDLY MIDWIFE FROM HELL!

I deliberately chose the first appointment of the session so that I wouldn't be delayed. She eventually showed up 10 minutes later, strolling into the surgery, and then made several phone calls before deigning to see me. She didn't know my first name, how many weeks I was or anything :cry:

She outright refused to do the blood tests for anaemia that my doctor had asked for too. Poor me. At least no needles though!

Anyway my fundal height is fine at 23cm and I heard Connie's heartbeat for the first time - she said normal is 110-160 and it's around 160. I'm glad I know from reading this forum that girls' heartbeats are faster or I might have been concerned at her being at the top end of the range...

I was in and out within minutes, presumably so she could catch up her missed time, and I felt most unloved and unwanted :cry:

Not really - but I'll be glad to see my regular midwife in 28 weeks' time, especially as this woman wouldn't discuss antenatal classes either :shock:
some people just shouldn't be in the job :wall:

i've met too many healthcare staff who just see you as another paranoid pregnant lady :( it cracks me up, why do the job if you have no compassion at all :talkhand:

hope you're ok hun, glad you can see your nice m/w next time, i'm dreading meeting mines :think:
:hug: - Sorry to hear your Midwife was a witch.

I saw a different one the other week and when she was measuring the fundal height she said 'How vain, have you been putting cream on your stomach?'


Silly cow it was eczema cream I think she thought I was going to say 'Yes it's stretch mark cream'

I wasn't keen on her.
How rude, so what if you wanna put on special cream, I do everyday - as much as i want a baby I would rather not be left with stretch marks if i can help it!!!

I really am lucky, my midwife just happens to be the same one I had for my first child and she delivered her too!! She visits me at home so I don't have to go to the surgery and on the two occasions my OH has been home she asks him if he has any questions
Aw that's not so good babes she sounds like a right cow :(

My midwife at my GP's is really nice asked both of us if we had questions etc.

But the doctor at the hospital was not nice she called me Jenny which I hate (they usually ask which I prefer and I always say Jennifer) all through consultation and I had to help her work out my dates!!!! :evil:

Hopefully you'll get your nice midwife back next time xx
sorry to hear she was such a cow

I've only seen mine once my clinic doesn't actually have midwives there apparently but I think its just the reception female being an awkward person. I saw my doctor at my last appointment
I had my next midwife appt this afternoon which was very no frills! My BP, urine and baby heartbeat all seems fine. They measured my stomach and said I was normal! I think they wanted me out as soon as possible and just asked how I was as a passing comment before I left! They asked if I could feel her move and I said yes, but didnt ask anymore details - hmm room for error I feel! Oh well, I was quite amused when I was told that due to cut backs I had to take my urine sample home, empty it and sterilise it and use it again for next appt :rotfl:
Sorry to hear your MW was so disinterested - I feel that too, more like a number than a person! :hug:
Thats really bad i have mine tomorrow so i hope mine doesnt go like yours seeing as we seem to copy eachother. :hug: Just because someone is on holiday gives them no excuse to downgrade the quality of service. :evil:

I would make an appointment with the doc or go back next week for the blood tests as you need them to be done sooner rather than later and the same goes for the classes i think i have probaly left it too late anyway now but if there not sorted tomorrow im not waiting till 28 weeks i will organise them on my own as the leaflet i have (no telephone numbers on them or i would of arranged them sooner) say 28 weeks is normal for the first one.

Glad you heard the heartbeat though its lovely im going to ask if they can tell me how fast my lo's is.
Maybe if you voice your concerns about the missed blood test they may make you another appointment with your regular midwife.

Some of them are right misogs!!

Jue x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I came across loads of horrible midwives when I had James. I don't understand how some of these people pass the interview for the course.
I used to work in University admissions and there would be 20 people applying for each place on the midwifery and nursing courses, it's not like they're not spoilt for choice!
And don't get me started on health visitors! :twisted: :lol:
I hope you get to see your normal midwife next time.
Aww, sorry you had a bad experience! She sounds like a right one.
Not long until you can see your nice one again! :hug:
Sorry you had such a bad midwife visit hon!
why do some people pic a proffesion of care then proceed not to care :? :?
Hope your next appointment goes ok id try and see the other midwife you still have things to talk about this silly midwife did not go into
Lol Sarah
aww sorry for all of u who had rubbish MW app's. hope ur next ones go better!
I've seen two different ones. My main one was nicest but the other one was ok, both friendly and caring which is good, i feel lucky. It's just my doctors who are *insert rude word*
HI Debecca,
I had a really awful MW appointment yesterday as well!! She never seems to do any measurements or anything... I've never had a fundal height thingy done ever! She said blood pressure was fine (140/65 - which I thought was a bit high?!), no abnormalities in urine sample or anything. We heard LO's heart and she said that sounded fine.
Then her phone got a txt msg, which I wasnt too bothered about especially if it was a pregnant lady or someone who needed her, but, then she started txting back saying it was one of her mates!!! I thought how rude!!
xkikix said:
HI Debecca,
I had a really awful MW appointment yesterday as well!! She never seems to do any measurements or anything... I've never had a fundal height thingy done ever! She said blood pressure was fine (140/65 - which I thought was a bit high?!), no abnormalities in urine sample or anything. We heard LO's heart and she said that sounded fine.
Then her phone got a txt msg, which I wasnt too bothered about especially if it was a pregnant lady or someone who needed her, but, then she started txting back saying it was one of her mates!!! I thought how rude!!

I can't believe it about the texting! That is so unproffesssional! :shock:

I don't think they do the fundal height measurements as much as they used to. It's not a very accurate way of measuring the baby and often causes people to worry for no reason.
I've not had my fundal height measured, but then I've not seen the midwife since 16 weeks.
There really do seem to be some right miserable MW's out there at the moment!

We had the same experience at our first appointment but following appointments have been ok.

Hopefully you will see your usual one next time!

How come you'd never got to hear the HB til now too?

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