aww feel crap


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Is there anything I can take for a cold n sore throat apart from paracetamol? Please help xx
Thanks hun,I'm blaming my OH as he had it last week lol. How are u?xx
Try a little vicks in a bowl of warm water and steam yourself with it, that will help unblock you a little. Hope you feel better soon xx
Boil some water, add salt, let it cool, and gargle, should help with the throat infection. Not very pleasant but does work x
You can take strepsils, MW said it was fine for me to do so :) x
I don't have any advice other than what has already been mentioned but just wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon. It's horrible feeling ill when you can't really take much for it x
Thanks hun,I'm blaming my OH as he had it last week lol. How are u?xx

Sorry to moan ......Ok just have back and rib ache today sooo looking forward to finishing work in 4 weeks time.... Not sleeping wake up at 2 am every night and more .... I'm still really low but she keeps pressing under my chest and my chest goes tight I can't breathe and anything I ate feels like it's stuck and can't drink any fizzy it hurts lol :(
OH should look after you and pamper you in bed, seeing as though he gave you his lurgy ;) x
Yeah I know,just a shame he has to work :( he is helping me out tho. Xx

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