Baby Asprin?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls, Ive seen a few girls mention taking baby asprin if they have had a mc or trying to help with ttc. Im hopefully going to be back in the ovulation land again very soon and wondered if someone can fill some insight on baby asprin.

1 - is it just normal and where do you get it?
2 - do u take it every day
3 - whats the benefit

I know I can google but tend to find myself in all sorts when I do this. Was hoping someone here can help as I value your opinions.
Hi laura,

Baby aspirin is just 75mg per day of normal aspirin, most places sell the 75mg one now it's in a little yellow box if not you can quarter a normal one.

Aspirin basically thins the blood and therefore improves the blood flow to firstly the uterine/womb lining and then the embryo/feotus.

I've heard once before that you should only take after OV but my new doc says that's definitely not the case.

Definitely worth taking I'd say Hun!

Have you started your provera now?

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Thanks Maybe! Ill go get some today. Ive just taken my first if 2 a day provera tablets. Just so hoping I bleed!!!
Ahh cool, you never know the Aspirin may even help with the bleed too!

FX for you!

Mmm maybe I should take this too thanks maybe xx
I've tried it for the last 2 months now - not noticed any difference, but it cant hurt! It is cheapest at Wilkinsons - the Boots ones are quite expensive ;)
It's only a risk if you already have a clotting issue, undergoing surgery or are vulnerable to infections :)

It is supposed to increase blood flow, which is apparently good for the uterus and organs but you can bleed more than normal and it can also hinder your immune system.

I'd definitely take it if i'd had previous miscarriages :)
Hi Laura,

Best to look out for the ones that say 'Enteric coated' (which means they're easier on your stomach lining). It reduces the risk of them causing stomach ulcers due to taking them every day. I would think you have to take enteric-coated ones whole, instead of breaking a higher dose one in half, or you'll lose the benefit.

They cost a bit more, but you should still be able to get them fairly cheap on the internet. I can't remember where I got mine from... maybe Amazon?

Thanks Bead. I went and got some in Boots yesterday. Had to ask behind the counter. The chemist jad asked if I had any stomach problems and I said no so he gave me dispersable ones. He mentioned the ones with the coating but said they were more expensive. I didnt realise the difference so just got the cheaper ones. Should I not take these dispersable onrs then and go buy the others? Opinions greatly welcome!!
I'm scared of giving medical advice in case it's wrong lol! :) Does it say anything in the instruction leaflet about taking them overy day, or if it's better to take them with food, or anything like that?
No worries Bead I understand. Ive read the insteuctions and ut does seem ok to take them but ive ordered the others online so go with them till they arrive!
Do you take them through pregnancy too or whilst ttc?x

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